Friday, December 29, 2006

Well all said and done.....Christmas and still no snow.

Christmas is over... good and bad.

On to the New Year! Well we made it through Christmas Eve. I arrived home Christmas morning to find everyone but my mother in law still in bed. Finally at 8:15am I went and disturbed the sleeping beauties and kicked them out of bed! Dalton was surprised that Santa actually came to him. Me too after the last few weeks. However, maybe with Dad home the next few weeks his attitude will change. We'll see. He got a few of the things on his list, I think even above the Santa stuff his favorite gifts so far are his IZ his brother got him and his mp3 player. He played "flushed away" in his xrocker all day. He did stop for breakfast for a bit.

Tyson well he didn't know what to think... new toys just laying around... Don't care I'll play with em. He likes his alligator piano he got. It's bigger than he is but he picks it up and carries it around. Or tries. He loves ripping and pulling the paper and presents but after about eight he didn't find it so fun anymore. maybe because he was belted into his highchair so we could keep him involved and actually open out gifts.

Grandma got a few things that she wanted. I got a Nano and a new helmet for four wheeling! Darin well he could care less for Christmas but he too got a few things that he wanted so he was happy. so with our gifts opened and breakfast all cleaned up. I snuggled into bed after working all night and slept for a couple hours before my family arrived for dinner. I got up at about 3:30pm a couple of hours sleep, and not a moment too soon Tracy and Edward and the kids arrived before I even got my hair dried.

So we opened more many gifts for everyone. And we all enjoyed ourselves ( I think) Leah especially loved her digital camera. Mom not so sure. I think though once she gets used to it and keeps it with her she will realize how great it is. It is small enough to keep in her purse and I think that she will like the fact that she can just keep it with her.

Well onto the kids big gift for the night. Well unfortunately it was dark by the time the kids got outside to get it. Edward and Tracy got their kids a 4 wheeler for Christmas. We went outside and they oped up their boxes they didn't really know what the keys were for and they didn't realize that they should put the pictures together to make one. But after all was said and done and the garage door was opened they were excited. "Cool" Leah said.

So off they went for about 45 minutes and then we had some supper. We ate. I think we all ate a bit too much but I think that is par for the course of Christmas. I sent some goodies home with everybody including my Dad. The butter tart king. I sent home eighteen and he had eaten all but four in two days! They all helped clean up and then I fell back into bed at 8:30pm. I just about slept through the alarm. Good thing Darin kicked me. Three hours sleep a day and working all night just isn't cutting it anymore. I must be getting old! Yes.... I said it!
So it's all over but cleaning up the mess. They all had a great day... they both got too much... we need a bigger house... all the usual things I say after Christmas. But ya know I can't wait to do it again next year!
On a final note though, I want to say to my family and friends how lucky I am to have you. My life would be very boring without you all. And Dad I couldn't be happier that you went to Church with Mom. You continue to surprise me, and make me proud your my Dad.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Inns Keeper.....

Christmas Eve Day Dalton was in a small play at the church. He was the inns keeper. The pictures aren't the greatest but that's what happens when you can't get up to the front! And your camera doesn't have zoom!

Anyway, It was quite a riot! Mary and Joseph came and Dalton was asked if he had any rooms available for them, he said and I quote... "Nope I'm full but I got a stable out back if ya wanna use it!". Well everybody started killing themselves laughing. Pastor Mark got a kick out of that and had to turn his head from laughing. It was quite funny. Dalton's demeanor I tell ya! Anyway at the end one of the church members told Pastor Mark that they have never quite heard the story told that way before and we all laughed again! And you wonder why I say never a dull moment around here?

Well the day just went downhill from there... let me tell you. You will laugh. have you ever been asked.... " Do you have a spare toilet around that your not using?"

Darin noticed that the toilet wasn't flushing properly around 4pm Christmas eve. So he decided to plunge it. So did I no biggie... Well..Not such a good idea. It didn't help. So Darin got out the fish. He messes with that trying to get it down the toilet. Broke it fixed the fish again started all over. After having problem after problem he decided finally at about 6:30pm to take the toilet off and see if he can get it out from the other end. He at this point figured there was something bigger than paper. Or "other" . So he takes it off. Well as you all know Darin has a bad shoulder and when he lifted it up his shoulder gave out and he ended up breaking the back of the tank. AUG!!!
Did I mention that my entire family is coming her for Christmas dinner in less than 24 hours!
So well we can still put water down the hole to rinse out the toilet just means that it's a little bit of a hassle but we can manage. So he takes the toilet and turns it upside down and tries to see what the problem is. There is a hot wheels hummer stuck in the drainage tube. So he tries to push it back out the other way with the fish. No budging. So he tries tapping it and wiggling luck... hmm.. well I'll give it a whack. So he does and what happens. The base of the toilet cracks. No we have no toilet.
Did I mention that I was in bed sleeping from working midnights and missed it all! Thank goodness! So here we are peeing outside tomorrow.. hopefully nobody has to do anymore or they are in trouble. So Darin decided to call my Mom and tell her that we would just all come there. But he dials the wrong number and gets Terry. As a joke he asks him. GOT A SPARE TOILET YOUR NOT USING? Terry laughed and said no of course. Wait for it... then all of the sudden he says actually I do up at the barn. Terry and Steph are renovating their cottage and had gotten one for it. Woo Hoo can you imagine the luck. So at 9pm Darin was finally sitting down for supper, the kids were falling into bed and I was getting ready for work. Thank goodness Darin's mom was here to watch the kids while I slept. She was exhausted from Tyson though after the 5 hours of chasing him! So all is well, except they didn't get to go for a drive to see the lights but that can happen another night.
So everything all ready for tomorrow. Toys are out. Food is ready. Stockings are stuffed. Until after Christmas! I'm sure that your all holding back the laughter after reading this... Only to us this could happen on Christmas eve!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Gifts have started!!

Well Colleen and Scott came to see the kiddies yesterday. Tyson got the cutest little Elmo and pj's and Dalton got another collectible monster truck! So life is good. We look forward to that one! Right after Christmas they are off to Myrtle beach! Have tons of fun Scott and Colleen not too much shopping and golfing eh! They also told us that Leslie and Shaune got engaged! Congratulations! Woo hoo! Tonight we are going to see the "rock", and of course Dalton will be in the hot tub!

Last night Uncle Ken dropped more presents off at Mommy's work. Just about gave Mom a stroke. Dalton got a mega air jumper hot wheels. He was very happy and Tyson got a little mega blocks truck (pictures above). He threw the blocks out and climbed in! I think it's a hit. When he wasn't trying to ride it he was pushing it along the kitchen floor! Leave it to Auntie Ethel to find the cool gifts!
Thanks Auntie Ethel Uncle Ken, Amanda and Kenny. Dalton is looking forward to having you out over the holidays! If we are ever off work at the same time!
Tomorrow is the big play can't wait and then the BIG day!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mr. Dirty face lost a tooth!

Well... it finally happened tooth number four. He has only complained about it since Friday. He couldn't eat anything hard from the front of his mouth. "No apples till it's out Mom" he said! He had to wash out his mouth with chocolate milk cause the blood! Funny there was none but you know mind over matter. Now I told him... All you need for Christmas is your two front teeth! Now tonight he will be looking for the tooth fairy, last tooth he forgot for almost a week about it.
So he ate a Popsicle brushed his teeth (the rest or em) and away he went to catch the bus. Present in tow for the bus driver. The Christmas concert was at school last night so his teacher got her coupons for Timmie's yesterday. Dalton said she had a Christmas list. I'm not sure if it was just hers or hers for us to purchase for her. Either way Dalton wanted to get something on it and apparently they were!
Anyway, off to town gotta get Rosie's presents and then I'm done...done...done!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Martin Christmas!!

Well yet another year of fun, family,and food! We ate and laughed and shared until everyone started to go. As always Betty outdid herself and everyone left with a belly ache. Not me so much because I have learned the hard way one to many times! A lot of the family made it out this year and it is funny to see the families grow.

Amy was missed and we made sure that we had some cheesecake for her! We'll tell her Tyson ate her piece and he really enjoyed it! Pam and I of course well we just had a small piece! Hee Hee! I took lots of pics but since I don't have every one's permission to use them I am only posting a few! Kids and family with computers mostly!

The kids always have a small gift under the tree! Betty I think takes the time to find just the right thing that the kids will like. Dalton got a hand held Tetris game. He likes that game and Tyson got the cutest thing I have seen. A Mr. Potato head Spud buds kit. It comes in a little suitcase which Tyson will love to carry around. I have never seen such a thing before. GOOD JOB AUNT BETTY!! It is so great to have someone who thinks of the kids!

Tyson was as busy as I expected him to be. He munched on so may crackers that he didn't really want any supper. Oh well it's Christmas. I expect that the excitement over the next week will inhibit a lot of eating patterns. For example. I made seven dozen butter tarts Friday night at work. Angela (a friend) came in and asked why I made so many. Then she went and got he plate and took four. Darin found them about two minutes after I got home and by the end of the day has eaten about eight. Darin took six to my Dad today to get him until Christmas ( told you Dad the hockey pucks would prevail) Ha ha. So like I said by Monday, Christmas Day, I will be lucky to have a dozen left with company over, and Darin. They aren't as good as his Mom's but I guess they will do. He hasn't had a problem so far!

Dalton came home from church today and informed me he is in a play at church next Sunday. I guess he is suppose to be the inn keeper. That should be interesting he is quite good at telling us NO so he shouldn't have a problem remembering his lines! lol.

So Thanks again Betty & Alan for opening up you home to everyone and cooking a wonderful meal for our family to enjoy. If it wasn't for you most of us would never see each other, and our kids wouldn't know each other. And Betty your right. Family is important and it is, if your lucky the most important thing!

Tyson's second haircut..

Well the second haircut definitely went better than the first. What you don't see is that Mommy was bribing him with rockets between pictures. (Little sweet tart like candies) Pat cuts all of our hair in fact she insists on it! She has a shop at ten acres. Don't worry Nanny he still has all his curls. his eyes have changed colour in the last month or so though. He went from blue to the lovely Martin hazel. no matter he is just as cute and just as devilish no matter what colour his eyes are.
So tomorrow (Sat) Dalton heads off to Nanny's so he can go to church with her and then afterwards we head off to Alan and Betty's for the Martin Christmas! Don't worry Amy we will eat some cheesecake for you! We will all sure miss you! Who am I going to sit and chat with...Then again what am I thinking like I am going to be able to sit and chat, i will be chasing Tyson!
So until I get home from there with a sore stomach from eating all the goodies, sore feet from chasing Tyson and a sore throat from saying "NO TYSON" have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Keaton's party pics.......

Well Leslie posted some pics, and I kinda borrowed them...hahaha.
Dalton is at the top of the stairs in picture two and spidy in picture six. Sheylyn is the young girl in pic 3 and Curtis in pic 1 and Chloe is the cutie in picture 7 that's Keaton's little sister! Keaton is the little fella with the big smail in picture 9 with Dominic.
They all had a great time.. SUGAR..CAKE...PIZZA...POP...presents who wouldn't!

It's funny Leslie and I were talking this summer on where we grew up and where we lived and she was telling me that she grew up with my cousins. I found that so ironic that families come full circle sometimes and now our kids are growing up together. I expect that Keaton and Dalton will be buds forever.

It's nice to see that your kids can surround themself in such friendship and that they can get along in any croud...Dalton is such a social boy... I dunno who he is like!

Thanks Leslie and Shaune, Dalton had a great time!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Dalton & Sensai

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The Mighty Orange Belt....

Well... the day started out as any other. Today Dalton got his mighty orange belt. He loves to go to karate and he really like the Sensai. He gets a real kick out of Dalton he tells him he is like a chevy truck. Strong and Proud. That's my boy.
Sometimes, like today when the principle called because Dalton was fighting in the bathroom with a grade 7 ... I wonder......Hmmmmm.... Is Karate a good idea? I know that even if he wasn't going to karate these things would happen. After all. He is half Darin's. LOL...

Then it was also report card day. he did ok. I was proud no matter what. 3 c's... here you go. Phys Ed, Art and... Writing skills. No biggies. 8 b's in most things and 2 A's one in Reading... WOO HOO and the other is math.. Again Woo HOO!! I can certainly live with that!
i'm a proud momma today! Kinda makes up for the phone call from the principal??
LOL! I'm sure that it won't be the last one I get!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The closer it gets......

The closer it gets the more we all have to do.... the more tasks we have to complete... the kids become more and more rambungshious. And the ears seem to be in thier...... well you know.
Off to church this morning and then we did a little shopping. Dalton couldn't wait to get home and get ready for his best bud Keaton's birthday party. It is all I have heard about for three weeks since Leslie invited him!
He got ready early enough that he thought he was going at 3 to play. Notta. We arrived at 4pm and he was gone. See ya! I went back at 6pm to drag him out. He loves to go to Keaton's house! They played. Then ran outside in the dark for a while. And guess what.... Amazingly enough Dalton found a mud puddle to fall into! He got a goodie bag that Keaton picked out little cars for everyone and he got a motorbike! GOOD PICK K! About 7pm I think that I finally drug him by the ear to the Ask Leslie I really did! What else can you do?
On the way home he told me all about all the great stuff Keaton got. How he really liked the INIKA he got him. Also how he was glad that he didn't get ninja turtle stuff like Keaton because that's cool but not as cool as Pokemon and stuff! But it's ok cause Keaton likes it!
Dalton tells me that Leslie had her camera out( of course) so I am planning on stealing a few pics from her blog to post here! I'm sure she won't mind! Change of plans... Les said he pics kinda sucked since he kids didn't stay still!! Big shocker there.. kids, pop, pizza, SUGAR.. Can't imagine.
Tommorrow is another big day! Report cards and the orange belt presentation! And Next weekend is Nan's and Poppa's to spend some time. He misses spending time with them.
Then off to the Martin family christmas supper.
Like I said the closer christmas gets the more there is to do. I have to get my oven fixed or we may not have any turkey! Awww there is always the bbq. But Dad my be dissapointed if there is no tarts! Have faith Dad have faith the hockey pucks will rise above! We will find a way!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

First Snow !!

Well yesterday it snowed here. And a bunch at that for a first downfall. About 3 inches. Dalton was so excited too! Wanted to get outside and wait for the school bus extra early today. Usually we are walking out at the last second because he procrastinates about getting ready. First thing he did was fall into it and make a snow angel. Why not get wet first thing for the rest of the day! So in I came and got an extra pair of mittens for later. And I reminded him no snowballs at school! Boys!
Everything always looks so nice after a snowfall. So white and clean! Then it melts and makes mud!

Then afterschool I had promised that we would go and get our Christmas tree. He hs finally learned that he cannot tell everyone thier gifts this year! So off to home depot we went and he picked out the one he wanted. I'm not sure if he picked out the tree or if did, all I know is that he couldn't wait to shove it thru the screening and tie it up! He was telling everybody how to do and then wishing them a merry christmas or course... You know Dalton the chatterbox.
Then we went to Walmart. We had to get his best friend Keaton a birthday present. What is amazing to me is the present he picked out was $2.00 cheaper last month....Hmmm kinda makes you wonder why? Christmas maybe? Anyway he is going to a pizza party there on Sunday and he is sooooo excited about it.
So home we came decorated the tree and went to bed. Today however I think that the only sentance I have said is "Tyson NO". All the shiney stuff has attracted his and the cats attention. All I know is that it is going to be a very long month! Spent picking thing up and putting them back on the tree. I can just imagine how it is going to look when I get home ffrom work tonight. Lord help me!

Monday, December 4, 2006


Holiday Train by the Canadian Pacific Railway.... ever seen it? What A sight. We went last night it was cool. BRRRR... But the train was awesome too! I took a gentalman from my place of work and Dalton. The train came thru Belleville. It was suppose to be at 5:30pm.....
For anyone who loves Christmas lights, it was the place to be. They ask that you bring a donation to the foodbank... that's it. They had Elvis (Wanna be of course) singing Christmas carols, and tons of people.
We waited and waited. The train was 45 minutes late. David was getting cold and Dalton was tired of standing up waiting so.... we went and waited at the van. We went to another stop and the train police told us to park right at the end of the street before to bars. The train came about 3 minutes later and we were right up front and saw the whole thing right from the warmth of the van.... WOO HOO!!
Anyway to anybody and everybody if you get a chance to go, your sure not to leave disappointed. However, always make sure you have lots of time and a chair because it always seems to run a little late!!