This is a picture of my two beautiful boys....
Dalton is the oldest he is six. He is in Grade one this year and loves to head out to school each day... I'm sure it's his friends and not the fact of learning! Dalton enjoys all kids of stuff. Mostly if it is gas powered and mechanical he is all over it! He is definately going to be a stunt man when he gets older.
He likes to read, play outside, play with his friends, use the computer, and play gamecube! He could be doing worse things I suppose. Hanging out with his Dad in the garage seems to be a favorite though!
Then there is Tyson. His brother named him! He is 15 months. As he sits there all cute and sweet for a SECOND! And when I say a second I mean a second. This boy is a gooer! You have to be 2 seconds behind him all the time just to keep up with the mess! Who needs toys just show him a drawer or cupboard that you need cleaned out and he is all over it! And Walking in dog dishes are another favorite! He started his terrible two's at 12 months! Darin's Mom assures me that he is just like his father was at that age! LORD HELP ME!!
So that's them my boys....
I look forward to sharing more of our lives with you!
Happy holidays to all!
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