Yesterday I had to run to Wally world to get a few things and when I came back I found that Tyson had made a fort out of his highchair (it turns into a table and desk too) climbing in and out and over. So I got out the blow up toy that Bev & Ang got Tyson last year for Christmas. He loved it. As you can see by the pics. He had a ball on that thing all day long. And the balls were everywhere. Dalton wanted to have a go so even though he is too big we let him have one try.
We were going to save it until next summer when he could have it in the basement of the new house but whatever. We might just as well loose the rest of the living room in toys. it seems that I continue to pack toys but the pile continues to grow. Damn Christmas!!! LOL.
Darin has been across the road the last few days flooding the rink that he made for Dalton. It has been so cold Brrrrr...He wants to make sure that it is good and going before he has his hernia fixed next week. Dalton is so excited about it! He can't wait until he can go skate on it.
Tomorrow he has a birthday party at his friend Travis's house. He is looking forward to that. All the boys in his class are going to be there. Nick included.
Dalton has been having spelling tests every Friday now in Grade one since the new year and so far he has gotten 9/8 every time. He gets the bonus word. Did you hear that Nan??? WooHoo!!
Darin is fixing a friends daughter's car today (Amanda) what a cold day good thing his garage has heat. He would freeze his fanny off.
I have been trying to get into my Mom's all week but Tyson has been so sick that I wouldn't think about taking him near my Dad. There is cheese cake waiting for me there that Bridget made last week for Mom's birthday. I had better get there to get it I made such a fuss about it at Christmas! He is better today so maybe we will have them out for supper, maybe Saturday.
Well stay warm ... until next post....