So after we came home and I got the kids ready for bed and Darin and I went too! At 9pm! What is that??? Well I found out once I got up the next morning. Sick...Ohhhh was I sick! All day I didn't know what end to put in the toilet! Still the friends toilet! Have to make sure it is well disinfected before we take it back ! (hahaha) Returning a toilet ever heard such a thing?
Around 5pm the little man walked up to me and well guess what.. projectile right across the room. Oh nasty. So I picked him up and ran for the tub. He got rid of the rest of it there. Really what I needed myself sick. So out I am with the carpet cleaner, cleaning up this mess. Darin couldn't I know him. He can barely change a shitty ass without puking! he has finally managed though!
So then I bathed him and gave him some pedilyte and put him to bed. I think he just laid there all night and rested. I don't think he ever really slept. I was changing his sheets and butt it seemed every half hour or so. So today is now Thursday and he is still sick. Two days.
His poor little butt is fire red with diaper rash and I change him so much and have used a whole tube of rash cream that I don't think that P&G needs to sell to anyone else this week! And he just doesn't want to eat now. Yesterday he refused and I didn't push and today he ate but it all came back up again. So we'll see what Friday brings! Hopefully he is feeling better!
Dalton wants to go skating today with Nick and Jesse we will see what this afternoon brings! In my world just less vomit and diarrhea at this point would be good. Luckily so far though Dalton and Darin haven't got it and hopefully they don't!
So Happy New Year to all! Hopefully the new year bring new life, new experiences, and new challenges to all.
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