Well since we had so much snow we just figured that the buses would be cancelled..... not the case. I was standing in the kitchen at 8:45am when I saw his bus go by to start it's run of picking up kids. So I called out to him. He was playing game cube because we figured there was no school! It was the fastest eat, dress, make your lunch and pack your stuff morning that you ever saw. We got her done in time that he was ready for the bus in 20 minutes before it arrived. Needless to say he was no impressed. Not in the slightest. He got over it by the time I went up at lunch to drop off the critter cupcakes that he had made for his friends. That and it was a party, and pizza day. There was only 8 kids absent but he was hoping to be one of them.
Once he got home he was happy to open his valentines and see what he got for treats with them. And then go back to his game cube for more brain frying. I figure he had his homework done and so I couldn't complain.
Tyson isn't as much into chocolate and is still small so we got him the big wheels bike. We got it for a good deal. We bought it at a yard sale last year. It was brand new and we paid $5.00 the lady had purchased 3 at an auction all brand new really cheap and she only wanted one for her grandson. He loves it and didn't hardly get off it all day! As you can tell by his face!
So Happy Valentine's Day!
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