IS IT COLD ENOUGH OUT TODAY?? - 40 With the windchill. We made sure that Dalton was well dressed for his day today. Even though the kids will only be allowed outside for a few minutes. Even the bus driver said to stay inside until she got here she didn't want all the small kids standing out in that chill!! She laughed and said, I just pick up the kids.... not literally!_

Tyson isn't feeling well. I have been on evenings for the past two weeks... no midnights for another week Yay! And this weekend off. Although Darin has been on the kick of getting the house packed up for the big tear down. Sometimes I swear that he would have us moved out today and tear down the house a piece at a time. I know it would save us some money but at the same time it wouldn't be very fair to the kids. Three months in the garage is going to be enough I think. Any longer than that and I think we will be ready to kill each other especially if the weather isn't the greatest and it ends up being longer. I just hope all goes well this year and it all actually happens. It will be such a relief!
On the upside though we got a notice yesterday that after all the bitching and letter writing and phone calls etc that they re-evaluated our house FINALLY!! it was appraised at $125 000.00 and if you had ever seen my house you know it was worth no where near that! And of course that is what you property taxes are based at when we moved in they were $1000.00 a year and since we have amalgamated with Belleville they were $1660.00 last year! I was very surprised that they actually did it! One year anyway. I'm sure with building the new house that they will catch us really quick again!
Dalton loves to call me at work when he gets home from school. Last night he called to tell me that I needed to tell Nan...." Now I have 4 meals at Montana's that I have to collect....I had better soon get there so I can go with her and Poppa.. or I will never collect them all!" He gets a free meal at Montana's when he accomplishes his reading goals for the month. He also wanted Nan to know that he got another perfect spelling test! And the words are getting harder now. This week they were.. black, eight, snack, blank,sack, back, thank, sank, bank. Last week he got one wrong.
he was a little upset about not going to Karate last night. I think he was more upset about telling his friends about not going to Karate than actually not going. After March break he'll return but I am going to talk to sensai about what happened!
Darin called me at work last night to tell me that the little lad was up to no good and wasn't feeling well. He didn't eat much supper and so he was helping Dalton with something ( a shower I think). He didn't know where Tyson was.....he found him on the floor in front of the fridge. Drinking yogurt and eating it with his hands! He loves yogurt! he was trying to get it out and Darin said he had it everywhere, in his hair all over his clothes everything! I wish I had have been home to see it. I thought I would pee my pants when he told me! After Darin got him all washed up again he crawled up on Darin and fell asleep. Darin has a fit when I post his picture so I just posted this one. Dalton took a really cute one when he fell asleep on Darin.
He was still on the couch when I got home from work. I got him changed and gave him some Tylenol and he slept thru the night he is feeling better this morning but I think he is getting a cold. The first picture kinda tells ya how well he is today. Mom's home and that makes a big difference with him. He is definitely Mommas boy! But Daddy does in a pinch!
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