Friday, August 31, 2007

John's last day

Today was Johnathan's last day to be with the kids. He had a great summer here and we had a great time too. So today to make things special we went to Kingston to the mini golf/ go cart/ movie/ amusement ride park. Then to Chucky Cheese. The boy's all of them had a great time. First they rode on the go carts. Their package included 6 laps but it wasn't busy so they both got 8.
Johnathan was big enough he got to ride alone.
But Dalton had to ride with me while John stayed with Tyson. He was laughing the whole time watching us kids play. He unfortunately wasn't big enough yet.
Then they decides to go to the amusement rides. They rode so long on most of them that they got sick of it. Ever heard of such a thing? The rides lasted at least five minutes each. They got eight rides a piece.
They went on the scrambler twice, the big slide once, the spider 3 times, and the tilt a whirl twice. The spider was their favorite.
Dalton liked the big slide. He always does. Tyson would have liked that one too but we went and played in the water park instead while the boys went on the rides.
After the rides, they went to play their game of mini gold. that too came in their package. All for $20.00 each, I didn't think that that was bad at all. And they had tons of fun for the day.
Then by that time they were all starving! Or at least whining about it. So we headed over to Chucky Cheese. They choose a peperoni pizza and played a bunch of games. We got home about 5pm so I think it was a good last day.
We only had one problem all day.....

Chucky the mouse came in our row. Just our row and this was what happened!

Tyson absolutely freaked out. He hated that big Ol' mouse! So he didn't come anywhere near him after that, and trust me Tyson watched everywhere he went! The kids had fun though and we had a great summer. Thanks John!

Woo Hoo back to school Tuesday!

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

First ever sleep over....

Today was Dalton's first ever sleep over. He has slept over before when I have worked nights but never at a friends. It has been Nan's, Bev & Angie's, Grandma's, Scott & Colleen's, but this was a first.
He went to the Lightfoots. I worked 3-11pm and Leslie came over and picked him up. She didn't think he would stay. Keaton tried it last year and didn't. Not Dalton. He couldn't wait to go.
Leslie emailed me at 1200am to let me know he was great and that they had just went to bed after playing on the PS2 all evening.
Dalton loves to go to the Lightfoots. I am surprised though, they have a hot tub and he hasn't been in it yet! He was looking forward to going swimming tomorrow in their in ground pool! He likes Keaton's sister too. Chloe. He said she is very cute. I laughed because she likes Dalton too, she told Leslie that Dalton is kinder to her than her brother. She starts school this year too!
My little fella is growing up, hard to believe he is going to be 7!
Thanks Lightfoot family Dalton had a great time with you!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ty just jammin'

Dalton is always leaving his Mp3 player out and Tyson is always happy to find it for him. Well today, it was on the counter and Tyson was happily listening to it before anybody found him with it! Standing there dancing on the chair, singing away, just like he was in his right mind!
Look at his face after I caught him at it! How can you be mad at a face like that??
Then I get sorry Mom.
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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Karen's birthday breakfast!

Today we went out for Breakfast to Cora's. It was Karen's birthday breakfast. We had a good time, girls only. Except Tyson. Dalton went to the trailer with Mom after Tyson's party for the rest of the weekend and daddy is sleeping while we went. The girls were happy to see him anyway. Karen's actually birthday is Tuesday I think.

We had too much to eat but it is always good there. Here is my little man behaving, for a sec. He was good and ate well. And played at the table with his tractors. Karen will probably kill me for posting this but well, wouldn't be the first time she wanted to do that I'm sure. That's what being friends is all about!
This is Karen in the burgundy shirt.She is the kindest person I think I know. She is great at her job and has a great heart with her friends. She doesn't mix words if she has a problem with you, if you have made her mad, or if she doesn't like you. She is good at praising people who deserve it and is genuinely a great person. I am glad she is my friend.
I think they all went to Bloomfield after breakfast but I had to work. So I didn't. A picture of Ethel, talking like always. Gotta love her. I do. I have a great bunch of friends.You know, I have a happy family, a great bunch of friends, I may not have a lot of money, but My life is full! Therefore I am rich.

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Tyson's 2nd birthday!!

I'm typing this post in green because Tyson has been tractor crazy for a couple of months now. Doesn't help that we live beside a coop and they go by a hundred times a day!
So his second birthday was here and I decided to make him a couple of cakes, as always. We had the normal birthday crowd and BBQ. Everybody seemed to have a good time, I however found out later maybe that wasn't the case. But you know what it doesn't matter I had fun, Tyson had tons of fun and if you don't like the way things are done then stay home. Not a good attitude I know but I don't care. Not to mention apparently I am suppose to have mind reading skills I didn't know about. Oh well water under the bridge. I have learned though keep your darn mouth shut about anything because anything can be changed to suit someone else's purpose, hurt people feelings, stress relationships, and cause a rift that can never be totally repaired! So I'm not sure what will happen with Dalton's party yet but I think it may just be the kids and that's it. We'll see.
Anyway, enough babbling. I made him a hay field with a tractor on it, and a train station that actually worked. He loved them.
I'll post some pictures of the party when I get them. Angie took tons of them but she didn't load them on my computer and the girl is never home to get them. And if she emailed them too me, because I have dial up it would take days to load them all! So once I can track the girl down I will post some!

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Finding a babysitter!

Finding a babysitter this fall for the kids was not fun! Everybody that I found pretty much wanted enough money that it wouldn't be worth working!
I need someone some nights after 6pm and people just don't do that. And if they do it costs you a mint.The one woman wouldn't get my kids until 230 for Ty and 410 pm for Dalton and if they were picked up by 7pm including supper it was 40.00 are you kidding me?
Any way, I got one of the girls from work. He son Miles is 17. He is in his last year of high school and they live around the corner. he is watching the boys in the afternoon after 230pm thank goodness high school gets out early now.
So if I work 3- 11pm it works out great. Fortunately most of the girls at work hate that shift. Woo hoo for me! And if I work 12-8pm fortunately, Miles can get Dalton but Tyson goes to Nan's. Thank goodness for Nan!!
Mom likes it too because she gets to spend time with Tyson alone. She can be a bit closer to him, she is much closer with the other kids. She doesn't get to spend too much time with him like that. She had all the other kids full time but with her back and Dad getting to be a bigger handful, part time for him is enough. He loves to go there. And I think Dad likes to have him, and Mom but I know she finds him a handful compared to the other boys. He is nothing like them! NOTHING!
So I'm glad that it all worked out finally but it was worrying me for a bit there. If I have to give 1/2 my paycheck away I might just as well stay home! I would love that but with Darin laid off in the winter I'm not sure how we would make out!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Big Brother's and Big Sister's Rib Fest!!

I've been a little behind on my posts I know. My niece reminds me all the time since she checks. Sorry Leah I will try to be more prompt. It's not like I have two kids, a dog a cat, a husband, a house and a full time job to take care of. Never mind just trying to be a good Mom!! Hahaha. Auntie know just get with it right??
Any way, I'll make up with a few update on what we did the rest of the summer and how it went. On August 17Th we went to the zwick's park for the "Rib Fest", it was a good cause but I can't say that I would go again and waste another $60.00. that is how I felt. It was good but not that good. We had lots to eat but at $5.00 for a glass of lemonade that was made from concentrate seemed a little steep! it was for a good reason so that is how I keep justifying it!
So we went with Terry, Steph, Nick and Evelyn Steph's Mom.
We had fun. We got there just before it was too busy. We were leery about going because we though it was going to rain. And it did. We ate and the kids played at the combat camp for about 1/2 hour then it started. So we wandered on home.
Dalton was so funny. They got to play at the combat camp that the soldiers from Trenton had set up. Dalton actually asked one of them.." hey do you know my friend Shawn, he jumps out of planes there?" We laughed until I thought I would die. I said do you realize how many people work at Trenton airbase named Shawn, Dalton? The gentleman though the was funny too!
I loved the deep fried battered onions though. Only problem is my waistline doesn't. They were so good!! I'm glad they aren't something we can get around here! I might be more tempted.
Here is Dalton on the combat course. By the time the boys were done they both had green stained knees!! From the grass!
They had fun though so that is all that matters!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Momma got a new van!!

Well My husband though that I needed a new van. I'm not sure why fully but no matter I like it.
He had the idea to get a new one a few weeks ago but I am cheap and was happy with my old one. One less payment with him getting laid off in the winter. He had other plans though.
It is fully loaded. It only had 62000kms and it's a 2002. It has four doors and that is what I love the best. That and the bucket seats for the kids! He looked around and the bought it. I didn't even drive it.
That's Darin!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Mini golfing....

I promised Dalton that we would go mini golfing before I went back to work. he loves mini golf. I'm not sure why but he does. So today we went. I am into the second week of my holidays and time is going quick so I thought we had better get it done!

We played a double game. Mini then the monster golf. He had a great time and about two minutes after we got in the van it started to pour!! Of course Dalton won.

He got a hole in one and we so proud of himself. I laughed at his reaction.

Something so small can make such a great time! It's hard to believe that he is growing up so quickly. My big boy now!

Pretty soon this little fella will be two. I can't believe that either!He had fun too, he just ran around chasing the ball!

I'll have to try to get them out golfing again before school starts they love it!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Boat Races

Today we got up and packed a bag for the kiddies and headed back to dry lake. I know just what they call it contradiction of terms or not. We went to the boat races. The boys enjoyed them and when the boats were not racing the kids could swim in the lake. Waiting for the next race.
The boys just doing their thing. Watching the boats. Dalton though that these boats were really cool. In general we had a pretty good day.


Since my last post things have changed a bit. The next few things I will write about have no pictures.My computer crashed and I lost everything on it!! and I mean everything! I said a few choice words at the time, mostly because of my photos but I' so over it now. But if you read this blog, I have lost all my email addresses so please send me a quick note with your address. Mrs. Vos especially!! Thanks in advance!

August 1st I took Dalton to Canada's Wonderland. Just him and I. Tyson went to Nanny & Poppa's and Daddy was working. Just a special day for the big boy! And we had a great day! A great day! We played in the water park, and rode the rides from 10am until 10pm. we had funnel cake following that and we came home. Dalton insists that he was awake for the dive home, but he didn't even make it to the 401.
We arrived home all safe and sound about 1:30am and climbed into bed. The next day we spent at the trailer getting Tyson. Visiting with Aunt Bev. Swimming and having some lunch! We were too tired to do much else!

August 4Th, we went to the sand castle competition at Coborg beach. Now I swiped some pictures off my face book page to post here. Thanks goodness I can recoup some of them!
A bunch of us went. Ethel, Ann Marie and her kids and husband, me and my kids, and Angie , she brought another friends kids with her that she was caring for for the day as they were at a wedding. We had a great day. It was nice. The weather was warm, the water was cool. Perfect. Food and friends. Dalton loved the sand castles. Here are a few.

This one was my favorite. It was a "fluffy guy" and a skinny mini girl with the perfect body out on the beach sunning. it was great!
Summer holidays are going great so far hope it continues!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

See if you have been tagged...

Jolene set out a challenge to those of us who read her blog. So I am doing just that. Since she started it, I started with her. I made her this extra special tattoo because I know how much she loves them! So here's a special one just for you Jolene, enjoy. lol. - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
The next is for a friend of a friend that I browse thru her blog. Kerri. I gave her a coffee cup because she is trying to give up her coffee. I sort of envy her, but when you work midnights sometimes coffee is your only saviour! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
Ethel. Oh you gotta love Ethel she is from Newfoundland and a true newfie she is. I love her though. She is my best friend and has been since the day I met her. If we didn't come from different mother's you would swear we are sisters when we carry on!
I gave you a sign Ethel because you know how you are with directions! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Coleen. I gave you a moving truck. Either for you last move out to the west or for your move back. When you come back I hope that we can meet. I look forward to seeing that new baby next summer when you bring it home! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

My friend Leslie. Our sons were in the same kindergarten class jk & sk. They are the best of friends. Keaton and Chloe are the most beautiful kids and have the gorgeous eyes of their parents. I gave Les a name tag because she works for Autumn leaves and two peas and is always going to special scrap booking conventions. She is very talented.
I also found her from the day I met her to be a very caring, inviting and lovable parson. Any one's life she touches is better because of it. - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
Last but not least Angie. I tagged Angie because she is a funny girl. A friend and companion for life. She can make your day with her antics. I work with her. I gave her soup because she makes it her personal challenge never to buy groceries now that she is single. She does us favours with watching our kids etc and we feed her. You never hear any of us complain. That's Angie about what we are making! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

So that's it. I guess I need to start trying to read more blogs but I just find a couple and get stuck on checing out your lives since they are usually more exciting than mine. Someday I am going to shock you!