Today Darin was home from work, for the fourth day this week. he is home wrecking my holidays! Just kidding. It worries me though because being home four days during the peak of the year because there is no work, concerns me.
So we decided to make the best of him being home and take the kids up to the Toronto Metro Zoo. I have never been there before so it is a first for me too.
I know it is a lot of walking so we didn't tell the kids until last night. And we didn't mention the walking. It was a great day. Nice warm and we had a great time.
This was when we first arrived. Look thrilled don't they??
Tyson didn't like the moose, he said it was going to "Eat" him!

This was just before lunch, after they had seen some of the animals and the park and were getting a hunger on.

This next picture I have to warn my Mom and any others to look away if you don't like snakes. Dalton thought it was so cool that it liked to be wet and roll itself up on the branch. He had me take pretty much pictures of every animal that we saw at the zoo today.

A few lizards getting busy! Dalton thought they were just playing, Darin just said "if you only knew Dalton" and walked away. I just about died laughing.

I absolutely loved the next part of the zoo. I would love to go t the ocean some day and see this for real because it was so beautiful. Sorry, the pictures were a little foggy because it was hard to take them behind the glass in a dark room,. my camera wanted to flash even when I turned it off.

The jelly fish. They were so neat. Here is something I learned today. Did you know that jelly fish eat and crap from the same hole. YUK!! Talk about bad breath that is just nasty! Cool to watch them though.

The tiger's at he zoo were out playing around they were so beautiful.

The cheetah was sitting right up to the fence and didn't seem afraid of people but I'll tell you, I didn't really like the little growl that he let out when too many people got near him. Dumb cat, just move, but nope, he wanted people to know he was there.

This was the caves near the billy goats, the kids played in echoing their voices.

These were the golden monkeys. The kids loved them. they were bouncing all over the cage and interacting with the people.

We next went to the marsh part of the zoo. It had frogs, turtles and other creatures like that. Dalton put some money in this frog and got a big croak!

On to the part of the zoo that was tropical. Here are some pink flamingos. cool bird I tell ya.

Then we saw some giraffes. Tyson liked these. He kept saying "They big".

The funniest part of the day.....
prepare yourself for those of you that have been to the zoo. The grizzly bear, deers, bison, and other such creatures are at a part of the zoo that you have to walk to the train will not venture into this part of the zoo. It is because of the hill. We decided that we would go down, not knowing what were getting ourselves into.
So we started down. it didn't look that big... so we get down to the first bend and Darin said "holy hill, it keeps going"
So we head around the bend and keep walking. Keep in mind all the way down they warn you of the steep incline with strollers, poor shoes and for people with asthma, pregnant etc. So I'm not sure what Darin though twas going to come but regardless.... we kept going.
So we get down to the second corner and Darin says "this walk had better be worth what is at the bottom! it's still going!" and we venture on.
We get about another 5 minutes down the hill and head around the next bend and out Darin pops with " where is this hill going to Hell???" well, I could hardly contain myself. I almost peed my pants laughing at him. A lady walking up the hill just about did the same. And we weren't even at the bottom yet.
I expected the kids to be complaining...but no it was Daddy. So when we got to the bottom not one animal was out, and there we were at the bottom with a mountain to climb and the kids were thirsty! 

This was the cutest part of the zoo. The monkey babies. We watched them fr about 20 minutes, the kids liked them. When we left the zoo they both picked out a monkey stuffed animal to take home. You'll see them wearing them on the zoo mobile.

then the elephants....

more of the tropical fish, from a different part of the ocean. They have such beautiful tanks and species there.

A Siberian tiger having a nap....

I'm not sure the exact name of this chimpanzee but I know that we saw him on Friday and they had it on the news on Sunday that he passed away. How unfortunate.

This was the zoo mobile. We saved it until the end of the day to ride on. After the kids had seen the entire park and could just enjoy the ride. They are both wearing the monkeys that they picked out to take home. Tyson was so mad at me when I had to take it off long enough to get him in his car seat.

Tyson look sooo tired and just about fell asleep on the train.

He had been up since 6am and hadn't had a nap. It is now about 6pm, and had all the fresh air....he didn't last long once we got to the van. He slept all the way home, and all night. He didn't even want supper once we got home.

On the home front though, today when we got home, we noticed that the house had been all staked out and they must be preparing to dig.
It's just nice to see things happening even if it is slow going. I can live with slow going. At least it is something.

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