Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
roof started basement poured
So they came this morning and poured the basement floor in.
They also came and tar papered the roof. I think that they were thinking that it would help with all the rain they are calling for this weekend.
The worst part about all this is it seems like they are waiting on the roofers and nothing else can move forward until the roof is done.
Jamie and Mike insist that we will be in to have Thanksgiving in the house but our contract says the 17th of October so we'll see how that goes. I hope they are right. It is hard sometimes in this trailer.
Midnights + 2 kids + dog + one large tin can = one cranky Momma
trying to keep it together. I would not recommend this to anyone!!
We'll manage though it's coming.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
plumbing started - Mom to PGH!
My Dad called me this morning asking if I was coming to the trailer. I had planned to because I was picking up Dalton. He had been there visiting but I wasn't sure what time today I was going to go.
Dad needed me to come. Apparently Mom has been very sick the past few days with impetigo and hasn't been out of bed. mom was so upset because Dalton didn't get a very good vacation while he was there. Dalton said and I quote." poppa makes and OK grilled cheese, and oatmeal, good thing Nan had burgers" . I didn't know Mom had been sick so I went over and took her to the hospital in Picton. We were there quite a while. Finally the doctor checked her over and said it was just an inner ear thing and to take gravol that would fix her right up. And so we got her some and within a few days she was feeling fine!
While I was gone to Cherry Valley the guys had all been here and got all the basement plumbing done in the house. And the electricians also managed because it wasn't raining to get the wires all ran upstairs too!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Oh my neck!!
Just wanna whine a minute. I think stress is getting to me! I have managed to keep it all together between, work, family, insurance paper work, insurance nightmares,builders and any other element that calls in my life. My neck is killing me. Ended up at the clinic and muscle relaxers!
I need a vacation.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
New swings and night lights
Well today Darin got the swing set all welded up. A friend of ours has been doing all of the equipment removal from the school playgrounds in the area. Apparently one person sued the school board because their kid broke his arm and now they are getting rid of any equipment in the playgrounds. Seems totally stupid to me but again that's just me. Kids will be kids!
Any way worked out in our favour. The kids old swing set as you can see in the background is getting old and just about done for. So this friend of ours ( remaining anonymous due to legalities) brought down this big swing set for my kids. It is a house warming gift for them. Darin just had to weld the legs back on because it was too big to transport together. As you can see it was a hit!! Tyson was so excited after his nap that he couldn't even wait to get out there with pants on!
The boys also got a slide but you will have to wait for a future post to see what their Dad did with that.... pool need I say more?
Thank you special friend my kids adore you!!

Friends of ours also just came home from taking their daughter down east to see a university. They brought back the kids night lights for their new rooms! My kids love night lights. Thanks Tina And Mike!! They love them!
We are so lucky to have such great friends in our lives and during this past few months I don't know what we would have done with out them!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
All the elements.. does eveyone hate us??
Tar paper blown off the roof! So the guys put the tar paper on and the wind blew it off.
The electician came to work, it poured rain. Still no roofers.
The basement has 4 inches of water in it because of all the rain. And needs to be pumped out.
Rona came to deliver stuff. No front door.
Something rotten and really stinky in the garbage bin out front. And it's meat of somesort because it smells like something died out there. Can't have my windows open in the trailer because the smell will make you sick.
Nough said.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Rib Fest.. Kiddie Commando
Today was "rib fest". It is an event that sponsors The big Brothers in our area. It is really great food, some craft and sales booths, and lots of fun activities.
This is Kiddie Commando. Dalton loved it last year and wanted to take Jesse with him this year. Last year it kinda was sucky but this year Shaune was in charge of it so Dalton has been gung ho to go since he found that out. Shaune is Scott and Colleen's future son in law.
So we went but when we first got there Shaune was no where to be found he was out having some supper. So the boys went ahead in. The girls here were explaining the rules of the game.

And away they went!
After they finished they went and did a craft until Shaune came back. They made door hangers that said KEEP OUT!! After they were done Shaune had came back and he let them go through the kiddie commando again but he had the water gun!! So you can probably imagine how that turned out!!

Here is a picture of the two of them horsing around as always!! great job Shaune the kids had a great time

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Stirling fair..busy day.
So today was an excellent day at the house. The plumber was there and got his drains all in the basement and the layout done for the future bathroom downstairs. He got all the pipes hooked up upstairs and some of his lines ran. he won't be back now for a bit to tie it all in together. Once the basement is poured and he can get at it better in the finished state.
The electrician also came back and got everything done except the panel box. All the wires, boxes inside and out, the cable and phone wires and light fixtures are all up and ready for the insulators and drywallers to come. Woo Hoo finally no rain today!
Colin and Ritchie also came and tar papered the roof to hopefully keep some of the water out of the house and the chipboard floors and roof in tact! until the steel guys come. Whenever that might be. I know DorAnn is new at the steel so they didn't really have a contractor to do it so they had to find one. So I guess they will come when they have a moment to do it.
Today was also the Stirling fair opening. Since Dalton is still away, I thought that it would be nice for me to take Tyson. Just some Mommy and me time.
He had a great time. As you can see by his face. I don't believe in wasting money on the games for a toy they will never play with anyway so I always tell them we will buy them something seems more practical as they are more likely to use it.
Can you imagine what Tyson picked out? We didn't get by the hat booth and he saw a tractor hat. With a green John Deere tractor on it. So that is what he had to have! For a boy that wouldn't wear a hat last year, to not wearing anything but a John Deere hat I dunno.
Here are a few pics of the fun!

It was getting cool by the end of the night but he had a great time. But you would never guess that no would ya.

All in All on successful day!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Rain again...electrician not a good mix
So the electrician came today and wanted to get all the boxes and wires done upstairs. But he was here about an hour and it started to rain again!! And since there is no roof on the house just chip board, it was pissing down into the house.
He didn't like getting wet much so it didn't take him long to decide to pack up and come back another day.

So pretty much what you see is all the wire he got run today. he did get some of the boxes mounted and all of the lights and boxes marked for another day!
Rain is so frustrating especially this summer!!
It just seems sometimes as though everything is working against us! I know it isn't but it is frustrating this year! Sometimes I feel like I am living someone else's life. That this all can't be happening to us!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
busy at the house.. Where's Dalton???
Ian and the boys managed to get everything finished up today. They had one heck of a time figuring out the dormer above Dalton's room. Only because we changed the plans making the foyer come out instead of go in which meant Ian had some figuring to do to make it all work out. And look right.

They also got all the windows in and looking almost like a house now. The windows arrived late in the day and Ian was getting a little flustrated I think. But it all happened in the end. 

Our front door on the other hand has not arrived. And no one is really sure why. So other than the front door it is looking pretty good. Ritchie and Colin will finish putting the door in now whenever it arrives.
You would really be surprised at how many people. Strangers to us just stop by and walk right into the house. On private property. Darin is getting so mad with people. I have to agree it is kinda nosey but I guess they are just curious. I would never be that brave to just walk into a house being built on some one's property like that though.
Colin came by and dug out the hole and drilled though the cement wall to install the sump pump today. So they are getting ready to pour cement in the basement soon. It's all coming along.

So Dalton is gone to my Mom's trailer for a few days. Then he is going with Auntie Tracy and Uncle Ed on vacation. I think they are going to the pioneer village. Then he will return back to the trailer. Then come home for the rest of summer holidays. Then school!!! Yay School.
I love to have my kids home with me but two months is almost to long for the kids. Dalton will be shocked when he gets back home and sees all that is done with the house. It's cool to be away all day or a couple of days and see all that has happened while you were away.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Off to the dentist today we go for a cleaning. I have to go back in a couple of weeks for a filling repair. I am not looking forward to that!! I suppose it could be that big needle! Today is Tyson's very first time in the dental chair and wouldn't you think I would remember my camera. Nope!!
No matter he was done before I was and the girls were not happy about it. They had to keep and eye on the busy little critter and that was not fun. The one girl actually asked if he had ADD. No he doesn't he's just very busy! And not quite 3! Wasn't hard to tell she was about 20 with no kids and no experience with BOYS! They are a whole different breed than girls.
We all are no worse for wear and have clean white smile to prove it!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Trenton RCAF Museum.. The things he remembers...
Dalton shares his Poppa's love of the army airplanes and all things that have to do with the army. I hope that he never has to join, get recruited or serve in one. Don't get me wrong if he chooses to do such a thing I will stand behind him and be a proud mother of a soldier. Like another woman I know. JOLENE (http://www.jolenegeorge.blogspot.com/) I cannot say I would like it though.

So we looked through all the buildings and then toured the outside. Dalton is just like a sponge when it comes to learning about something he likes. The woman there, gave him a flyer on the Halifax bomber. He read all about it. And what we didn't know was he wasn't about to forget it. We went to my Mom and Dad's the next day and he recited the entire flyer to my Dad even down to when they recouped it from the ocean and that the gunner from the plane was there. They found his thermos inside the plane with old coffee still in it! Very stale and cold. I couldn't believe that he remembered all that.
So now it will be a tour that we take Poppa with us to see. Dalton has promised that when we go and see it that we will be taking him with us. Which is good. I am glad that they can have something together that they can share.
Here are a few of the planes from outside in case you have never had the opportunity to go and see.

Tyson running around the path like a maniac. If you see all the little blocks around the path they are soldiers, mostly veterans. But all from Ontario that have served or given their life for our country. All the names are there and their date of passing if it happened yet, and their hometown. We noticed a few had recently been removed and flags replaced them while they were gone.
One of the ladies told us that they were being engraved for the recent soldiers that have died in Afghanistan. Doesn't seem fair. Here we are looking at their monumental gravestone knowing that they made it safe for us to do so.
You can see the flags along the path below.
I have a great respect for the people that have given their lives to keep me and my family safe. I cannot give enough thanks for them.

All of them, no matter where they come from.
Amercians, Canadians, Black, White , Army, Navy or Marines.
Friday, August 8, 2008
The roof at it's finished state
So today the guys managed to get the entire roof secured and then all the plywood on. At the end of the day, Colin and Ritchie came and put the tar paper on so that the plywood would stay fry if it should rain. Pray...please no rain!! The floor in Tyson's room is starting to show the amount of rain we have had. I would hate for the guys to have to repair that!
Anyway it looks great and I couldn't be happier that things are coming along so nicely. I have to wonder if it is all possible sometimes or if I am just living in someone Else's life. It might seem real once we are settled if that day ever will come.
So on the insurance front we are having a few complications but nothing too big! They only want to pay for shingles but we are fighting because we had a steel roof. Darin doesn't want to be up there in 10 years or sooner replacing the shingles so we'll see what happens but we had replacement cost so it is just a matter of having Jason read just his initial evaluation of the house.
I still feel like a secretary. I am not looking forward to what Dan tells me comes next because it doesn't sound like any fun at all. None of it has been very fun. But it sounds as though it is going to get much worse very soon. So just think of me!!
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