Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stirling fair..busy day.

So today was an excellent day at the house. The plumber was there and got his drains all in the basement and the layout done for the future bathroom downstairs. He got all the pipes hooked up upstairs and some of his lines ran. he won't be back now for a bit to tie it all in together. Once the basement is poured and he can get at it better in the finished state.
The electrician also came back and got everything done except the panel box. All the wires, boxes inside and out, the cable and phone wires and light fixtures are all up and ready for the insulators and drywallers to come. Woo Hoo finally no rain today!
Colin and Ritchie also came and tar papered the roof to hopefully keep some of the water out of the house and the chipboard floors and roof in tact! until the steel guys come. Whenever that might be. I know DorAnn is new at the steel so they didn't really have a contractor to do it so they had to find one. So I guess they will come when they have a moment to do it.
Today was also the Stirling fair opening. Since Dalton is still away, I thought that it would be nice for me to take Tyson. Just some Mommy and me time.
He had a great time. As you can see by his face. I don't believe in wasting money on the games for a toy they will never play with anyway so I always tell them we will buy them something seems more practical as they are more likely to use it.
Can you imagine what Tyson picked out? We didn't get by the hat booth and he saw a tractor hat. With a green John Deere tractor on it. So that is what he had to have! For a boy that wouldn't wear a hat last year, to not wearing anything but a John Deere hat I dunno.
Here are a few pics of the fun!

It was getting cool by the end of the night but he had a great time. But you would never guess that no would ya.
All in All on successful day!

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