Here are the pics of my house as I said the top one is without the flash. It glows in the dark. In the bedrooms and living area you don't need lights on because it glows like a night club inside. We don't even needs lights on for the back deck it lights it up too! My boys think it's COOL!!
The bottom is with the flash on it doesn't have the same effect but you get the point. You can see the house 2 blocks away. I like it. I like it a lot!!
The SCALE....
The dreaded scale.
I try to stay away from it. People have told me that they weigh themselves a couple of times a week, others tell me they weigh themselves once a month. I like the once a week method. Same approximate time. Same day. No confusion. I think I will begin to measure once a month staring tomorrow.
I could easily get discouraged if I weighed myself every few days with no results. Don't get me wrong. If it works for you, good stuff. I know for me it spells disaster. If I was to weigh in and gain then I would know why and spend the next few days until I weighed in again stressing about everything. If I gain it's because my body is fighting me or because I wasn't taking care to count and measure. I don't want to obsess and I know I can get to that point, I have done it before and the failed. This time I am succeeding, and plan to win the fight. To get healthy and stay there.
What works for you?? Daily....Weekly....Monthly??? How often should you measure yourself??
I weigh myself everyday, but I'm crazy, so it's not for everyone. It helps keep me on target and gets me thinking each day about how I want to get to my goal.