Monday, March 31, 2008

Coleen wants to know......

A fellow blogger want's to know the answers to these questions..... some of you already do because you are friend's of facebook too! You know who you are!

Feel free at the end to leave your answers in the comments!

Here we go....
1. Do you have facebook? You betcha for about ...umm maybe nine months now. my nephew Cody tried to add me as a friend for a whoile year before I joined and I thought what the heck do I need that for?? What was I thinking??

2. Do you have a facebook account? Uh.. yeah.

3. What do you use it for? Keep up with friends, post pictures. share with my family. Just reconnect and chat....and be nosey hehe...gossip!

4. How many friends do you have? Last check I think 89....

5. Who makes up your friends list? A lot of people from my work, I work in a big agency and rarely get to see the other people from the homes that I like, friends from school and college whom I haven't seen in years, family that live far away and costs me a bundle to talk to on the phone. Family that live around me that just want to hastle me about my age... you know who you are miss I'm only six months younger. People I have met thru blogging which I like to keep up with. Parents I have made friends with thru my son's school. That's about her.... no strangers..if you know me I am the stranger lol...

6. do you add exes? Notta one. If they are exes they stay that way.

7. Do you think your addicted to it? Almost as much as my husband is ebay! I check it everyday at least twice a day to see what's up!

8. What is your favorite application or feature? I love the game "smarty pants!" and I like saving the rainforest with the giving of plants. besides they are so cute! I have dial up so for me some of the other apps really suck because it's so slow!

9. What is the oldest reconnection made on facebook? That would be with the people I went to public school with. So about 31 or so years ago. Recently someone posted me in pics and tagged me so others that were in that pic added me as friends and we have been chatting! That is why facebook is so cool! It was a schooll that was tore down many a years ago and we all got dispersed. I lived on the other side of town so I just had to make new friends. It is cool to see how people's lives developed!

So there you go! Add me as your friend! Leave your answers! Join facebook if you haven't already!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Boring week....and muddy!

Not much to post this week. Kiddies are sick with a cold. Snow is starting to melt and Dalton manages to find every mudpuddle in the country no matter how small it is! And manages to bring just about as much mud in with him as he leaves outside!
Tyson just hates taking any kind of medication no matter how sweet it is or how I bribe him. He has had a bad fever and a cough. Worst part about his cough is once he starts he doesn't stop until he vomits. So I have been chasing him around with the bucket all week.
Now I start my midnights for four nights. I hate them! But we all have to do our share. At least I have some sewing to do to keep me busy for the next few. Then I suppose I am delegated to clean something.
Dalton has been invited to his friend Sydney's birthday party on Sunday at the bowling ally. I love Sid she is a very polite and very cute little girl. They have been friends since JK. She has come to all Dalton's party's and once was actually the only girl there. So we went out on Thursday night after karate and got her present. He picked out a little journal with Teddy Bears that had some pencil's and eraser, a little jeweled bracelet, a maricopia fairy barbie and a maricopia fairy barbie book. He is hoping the Sydney loves it as much as he has liked all her gifts. I don't doubt for a moment she will. It was funny watching him pick out a girl's gift. He doesn't even like going into the girl's section at the toy store! But he faced the challenge like a trooper and actually liked some of the stuff in there. I got a laugh watching him think so hard about what he wanted to get her. Oh when he dates it will be fun!
Well have a great weekend. We don't have much planned Dalton has Nan's and the party but we might take in the home show ...Dunno yet!
Have fun maybe we might even see some nice weather!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The......John Deere TRACTOR!!

Well I have to use John Deere tracor green for this post.

Since we didn't spend very much on Tyson for Christmas and we knew he needed a new bike for Easter we decided to wait. I was into Walmart in Febuary, they had this little tractor and trailer on sale. It was normally $249.00 and it was on sale as old stock for $100.00. And since Tyson is tractor crazy and I mean CRAZY! We decided to get it for him. It has a trailer like I said and it is a bike. It has pettles and a chain. He loves it. He sat on it and wouldn't get off to watch TV. To eat or anything. He sat on it. For three full days. He loves it!

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the hunt!!

Well today is Easter Sunday. Happy Easter sunday. My boys got up this morning promptly at 7:00am ready to start their hunt. After yesterday, Tyson is already and knows what to do. Away they went buckets in tow ready for hunt number two to begin! Like they needed more chocolate!
They looked high they looked low and about 2 hours after the hunt, Tyson was still turning up eggs from somewhere that he had found them. They had a great time. Tyson got his tractor (will post pictures for that next) for Easter and Dalton got a video game for his wii. Ben 10. Each a big bunny and eggs!
Tyson was eating them we had to watch with the tin foil on!! YUK!!

What Dalton missed low Tyson found and what Tyson couldn't see above Dalton helped out!
We had a great Easter day. After breakfast together, the boys and I went to church. Then to Mom & Dad's for the final Easter hunt of the day. Gifts from Aunty Tracey and Uncle Ed. More easter eggs! And lunch.
After that it was home to pick up Dad and then to Napanee for Grandma's Easter dinner. It was a long day and the kids literally fell into bed at 8pm.
I hope you all had a great Easter day and celebrated what was important to you.
As Paster Mark was only good Friday.... but Sunday was a comin'
Happy Easter.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Zwicks' Park egg hunt!

Cool dude in a loose mood!
He was already for the big hunt. Tyson wasn't really sure what he was in for but Ethel was ready to hunt with him. Walmart and the Chamber of Commerce put together and Easter egg hunt that was free for all kids under eight. We heard about it and I was off this weekend so I though that we would go and see about it. The kids packed up their little buckets and warm clothes and we picked up Ethel and away we went.
There was about 2000 kids there and some parents with no brains. I make mind behave and be safe and share with other kids. The best they can mind you. They are kids. but when parents are taking eggs from other kids for their own... well I have a problem with that. The kids were knocking each other over and then taking their eggs. I dunno. I guess they only know what you teach them.
In general they had a lot of fun. That is all that matters.

Tyson got to go to the other end and start with the kids 2-5 years. He found one big pile of eggs, sat down in the middle of it and just picked them all up. Ethel said he was so cute. Some woman said to him that he should leave some for the other kids but then about 1 minute later the bigger kids started taking over the small kids area. So if he hadn't have gotten what he did when he did he wouldn't have gotten any. Ethel just ignored her anyway. This was the two boys taking a break after the fun was over. They each ended up with half a bucket full. Apparently they scattered over 50000 eggs. for about 2000 kids. And you know what they were all picked up and cleared out of the park in less than 20 minutes. If I hadn't have been there to see it I wouldn't have believed it.

Ethel and Tyson just before the hunt began.

After the hunt and a play in the park we decided to go to the awful McDonald's. I know I just said last week I wasn't running back. We got there and the crowd was really small so the kids played until the lunch menu started and then we had some lunch. After we dropped off Auntie Ethel and went home to try to clean up the yard for some spring weather to hopefully soon start!
Terry, Steph and Nick our friends came up for supper. We watched a comedy show. A guy with puppets.. Jeff Dunham. If you get a chance to see him, he is hilarious!
So that was our Saturday. had a great day! Thanks Ethel for the fun! We know we can always count on you!!
Love you!
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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chucky Cheese!!

These are a few pictures from our day at Chucky Cheese over the March break. Because I have dial up internet it takes so long to load them I did it seperatly this time. Hope that is ok!!
Tyson was just a tad excited because this was the first time he got to play in the play gym area!

The brother's in the play gym acting like apes!! Hmmmm maybe I should have a cage like that at home.....a thought! LOL

Tyson driving the train! Again we had a great time. Thanks for coming with us Grandma!
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Saturday, March 15, 2008

March Break!!

Well March Break officially started on Friday the 7Th of March. I had to work that day so not much happened. Johnathan ( Angela's) son was with us for the week so he watched Dalton while Tyson and I went to the bank and got a few groceries. No biggie and about 2:30pm I took John to his Mom and headed into work.
Well It started snowing about 10am and it didn't stop until about 10 on Sunday. I think we got about 2 feet in all. I hate snow. Angela and I were pretty much the only people that made it to work all weekend. So that was one heck of a start to the week! I worked all weekend. So did Darin. He worked doing snow removal. Imagine!

So the kids headed off to Scott and Colleen's for the night on Sat night. they had a great time. I headed over on Sunday to get them. Still snowing I might add! I hate winter, I have decided that I am suppose to live some place where it is warm! Needless to say it did finally stop but most of the city streets were down to one lane or less.
So on Monday we didn't do much of anything. Just cleaned up snow and played some wii. Spend the day just being a Mom with her kids and I might add we had lots of fun at it!
Tuesday morning we got up and headed to Chucky Cheese. Quick stop to see Nan and then pick up Grandma and away we went. Lunch was great and again the kids had a ton of fun. It was packed but we managed to stay for about 3 hours and keep BOTH kids busy. I'm not sure how much fun Darin's mom had but she didn't complain. then home to get supper ready.
Wednesday again we just did a little shopping and had lunch out with Nan. Dalton went to his friend Nick's for the day so it was just Ty and I. We got Colleen's birthday present and walked around the mall then headed home.
Thursday. Not much happened that day. Kids just played outside for a while and hung around. tomorrow is a big day so we didn't do much. Today is my friend Ethel's birthday. Love you Ethel Happy Birthday. We are going for lunch tomorrow.
So around that brings us to Friday. We got up and headed into Belleville. Nanny was meeting us at the new McDonald's in Belleville. I do not recommend that place for kids. It is suppose to be new and kid friendly but from what I saw the playroom was smaller, there was not enough parking, and they can only sit about 100 people at a time....That is kid friendly?? I can't say I am running back there again any time soon!
So I dropped the kids off to Mom and I headed to the Winchester Arms for lunch for Ethel's birthday. there were 5 of us all together. Good lunch but it took a while. After that I rushed up to pick Dalton at mom's and then we ran to the movie theater. We went to see Horton hears a who!
Dalton and Ethel and I loved it! We had a great afternoon. I would recommend it for anyone with small kids. And us big kids!
It has been one busy March Break but we had ton's of fun. Today is my brother's 40Th birthday. Hard to believe. Happy Birthday Edward! Have a great day. Love you. We are having supper at the Chinese restaurant on Sunday night. He and his family are heading back from vacation in Florida for their March Break. So we'll meet up with them Sunday.
How did you all spend you March Break? I hope you all had a safe and fun holiday like us!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Where have I been?????

Ok so I guess you have been wondering where I have been. Not too far but far enough and busy enough that I haven't been able to up date. I was uploading photos for a while and postin later but with us having dial up to takes so long. Anyway, I am back and I promise to be more dilligent about keeping up to date with everyone. Right now my neice is reading this and thinking ...well it's about time. Don't worry Leah there will be so much to read when you come back from Florida you'll have to do it in many sittings. LOL
So for no I have to get some supper ready and the house strainghtened up before it is time to head out to Karate. I'll talk more either tonight or in the am. Promise.!Thanks for coming back!