This is my new favorite picture of Tyson!Except the dirty socks! You would have thought his mother would have put clean socks on him!! (OOOPs that's me) I forgot clean socks at home.
Yesterday we had Tyson dedicated (baptised) at my Parents home. We had a beautiful day. We stepped outside for the actual dedication but quickly came inside to eat.
There was tons of food and we all had a great time visiting together. Tyson was good and even went to Pastor Mark.
As I have mentioned before Scott & Colleen are his godparents.We love them to death and I am very glad that they accepted that role. For both the kids. They adore them.
They got Tyson this little train as a gift. I love it!
The engine has his name on the top back, engraved and the car has two compartments. First one says "first tooth" Second one says "first curl". I think we will have a hard time trying to find one to put in it! NOT!!
Cute eh??
This is the silverware set my parents gave Tyson. it has his initials on it. My parents are great and I love em!
Thanks MOM & DAD for letting us do it at your house since ours is well kinda in transition!
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