I guess since they gave me my card, scratch tickets and kit kat bar on Friday they figured that they could forget about it.
Dalton was so upset with himself. He ran upstairs and got his present that he made at school for me that he had hidden under his bed on Friday when he got home from school. Here it is it is a small pot that has sunflowers planted inside. He told me that we would have to get a bigger pot to put them in when they get bigger. I assured him that it would have to be the flower bed not a pot. He has painted it at school with flowers on the outside just for me.
Thank you Miss.Koekman.
The day got better as it progressed, other's hadn't forgotten. We went to Church and they had beautiful carnations for all the kids to give to their Mom's. We got one from the kids and one from the church.
Thank you Trisha & Pastor Mark.
Also at Sunday school Dianne had the kids make a card and plant us a flower. Again they were beautiful and the kids, all the kids did a great job!
Thanks Dianne!
Then after church my good friend Ethel who decided to go with me this morning. Said that she had something for me after church. It was this beautiful pot of flowers for my front step. They are much more beautiful after they opened up. But none the less beautiful now since they were bought for me with love from my friend. I am so lucky to have such special friends in my love that share in everything I do.
Thank you Ethel & Ken!
After that I came home and settled into bed for sleep for the afternoon until I go to work tonight.Except to get up and make them all some supper. So for all you special people who carry that special title of a mother.