Today was a busy day. I did laundry and lots of it. There never seems to be an end to it when you have small kids. Regardless, Darin had made plans to build a trailer with Scott this weekend for the guys to do sap with in the spring. So they worked away at it all day and then we went over to Scott and Colleens' for supper.
Dalton loves to go over to their house because they too have a pool but also a hot tub. I have been trying to get in it since they bought it. When they did I was pregnant with Tyson and just always have forgotten my suit. Well, Colleen had a suit I could use so I had no excuse. So I went in. I must say that I did enjoy it very much.

Tyson liked it at first but wasn't too sure after that and spent his time coming in and out and in and out. Dalton of course had a great time and ran back and forth from the pool to the hot tub. I expect he will have a cold this week because the pool wasn't near as warm as the hot tub.
See Tyson hamming it up for the camera! Flexing his muscles.
Poppa Scott snuggling him. Tyson was wanting down so he could!
Shhhhh... don't tell Colleen I posted her picture she will kill me she hates her picture taken.
Then Ty got a little snuggling from her. See his cheek he fell earlier in the day and smacked his cheek on the metal leg of the lawn chair. OUCH! That's going to leave a mark.
So after that we headed home and Scott will be back out tomorrow to finish working on the trailer!
Shawn and Leslie ( their daughter and her fiance) are moving to Belleville at the end of the week. They have purchased a house here. So Colleen and Scott are looking forward to that and getting them settled.
So are we because we love them both. And Dalton thinks the world of Shawn. He has been to Iraq twice. He parachutes in to rescue P.O.W'S. I don't think you could have given me his job. So he is Dalton's "hero". And who better than him. Shawn can't wait to have kids of his own.
So I am heading to bed have a great weekend everyone!!
This is great info to know.