Friday, June 15, 2007

Reader of the week!!

Well, I don't know why but the certificate will not load a picture up on the blog. But I will tell you about it anyway. Dalton came home today and in his bag he had a certificate. It was for the reader of the week.
He was so proud of that darn thing. And his spelling test that he got 9/9 on. He is doing so great in school this year that I cannot wait until the report card next week!
I think that all the kids got to get the reader of the week but I am not sure. That is usually how they do it. It's gotta be fair in order that none of the kids get devistated and marked for life!
What a crock!
That's ma boy!

1 comment:

  1. Reader of the week! That's so exciting. He must have been so proud of that certificate! I hope all is well for you and the whole Martin family back in my old stomping grounds! (we moved from Belleville to Edmonton just a couple months ago. I miss it so much)
