Friday, August 6, 2010

New toy.... LOVE IT!

So I got me a new toy. A mio watch. I love it. It tells me how many calories I have burned after I exercise. You set it before you go with your heart rate and then randomly several times during your exercise and it calculates how many calories you urned. The more often you check your heart rate the more accurate it is.
Today when I walked I burned 584 calories. 6kms in an hour. I like it. It was seen on the Dr.Phil show. It was on sale at Canadian tire so that was also a bonus. I have been watching for a while now for something like this. keeps you motivated. Helps you burn.
Some have a polar watch... Do you have one? How do you calculate your caloric burn?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Look out Billy the kid....

When Darin is home we try to spend sometime together as a family. He doesn't get holidays per say because he is a seasonal employee so if he wants time off it is unpaid time. So this happens rarely. But it has been known to happen.
This is one of the things recently that we went to as a family. A town not too far from us has a wild west weekend. So we decided that we would take to boys and see if they would like it. No question, they did.
First thing.... cowboy hats.... Good price really only $10.00 each.
Then the parade..... this was just one of the things they had... The stage coach.
Then a little drink at the Saloon..... Tyson had to fight off the show girl..."awww shucks he's cute".
Then a little panning for gold as the sun got hot!! Look Mom I got some!!
Then a visit to the petting zoo.... goats, crocodiles, and lemurs....oh my!
They even had the worlds smallest pony.... only a foot and a half tall!
Tyson thought the best part was the pony ride!
Then the boys waited for the train that only passed through once a week...... long wait! Tyson was not impressed when the actually thought he had to wait a week!!
Then the old west shoot out!!
Then we waited... and waited.... For what you might ask...
(Doesn't Ty look just like a farmer in this pic..exclude the buzz light year. He loves John Deere and the hat so suits him. My little cowboy!)
The Wild West bank robbery...Billy the kid and his gang robbed the bank...
after a little chase, shoot out,and round up the gang was arrested by the sheriff and his deputies...
Billy the kid.., you ask..... He didn't fair out too well..

All in all the kids had a good time. They had a great day.

happy birthday Grandma

This is a very old picture as you can tell by the size of Tyson and Dalton however I like this picture.
Happy birthday to my mother in law. Not only is she turning 65 today but she found out that her boss is closing up shop and so she is retired. She intended to anyway but now she has earlier than she planned.
Honestly, I don't think she is complaining.
oh and happy retirement too!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hey fattie wanna get a burger??

Have you ever had one of those days where you have been running so much that you finally take a day to stay home? I did today.
I had all of Dalton's wet camp stuff to go and wash, laundry to put away. Our regular laundry, the stuff from the cottage to finish putting away. The dog is shedding in a big way, so vacuuming is a must. I have dishes from last night. Beds to change since everyone has been away. I haven't dusted in a month. Needless to say I am sure that you get the point.
So after supper I finally sat my fanny on the couch and just was too tired to move. I had everything on my list done. And a few extra things. I though that I was just too tired to venture out on a walk.
So there I sat when Darin asks...." not going for a walk?".
I say...."gosh I am tired, I had a busy day."
Darin says...." Hey fattie wanna go get a burger?"
( most people right now who are reading this, their jaw just dropped but for anyone who knows Darin you are probably laughing because you can totally hear him saying that)
I say... "thanks smart ass!"
Darin says.. " I knew you'd get sick of it and we would grow old and fat together".
I said..." Old maybe but not fat, again smart ass!"
Darin then says...." are you mad enough yet to go for your walk?"
I smiled, kissed him, thanked him and got my shoes on and left for my walk. Then had a swim afterwards.
One thing about Darin, he has such a suttle way to make a point doncha think??

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

guess who came for dinner..

Scott and Colleen came for dinner. Dalton made Scott a marble cake for his birthday last Friday. The boys were so happy to see them. Dalton was so proud that he managed to swirl the cake perfectly.
It was great. We all had a piece, some of us even had 2! We had roasted potatoes, salad, corn on the cob ( which was Divine) and steak on the BBQ it was the perfect super!
Love you Scotty, Happy Birthday!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

pick up Dalton & cottage

Today we headed out early to pick Dalton up from camp. I have to be there around 11 am to get him. So we headed out early to go so I could drop Darin and Tyson off at terry and Steph 's cottage. It is about 10 or so minutes from Dalton's camp.
So then I headed out to get Dalton. As always he was a challenge to find, running with his friends and doing last minute crafts, packing stuff, etc. He was excited to see me and after the short get together service so we can enjoy a taste of what they have been up to all week and have lunch together we headed back to the cottage.
I wanted to go and get my walk in so after a swim, I changed and got on my way. i was sort of sorry after about the first 10minutes but there was no way I was turning back once I had set off. the reason you ask? I think I fed every horse fly in Sharbot lake. They were non stop at me but it just encouraged me to walk faster. It was ridiculous! Seriously. terry said I could have warned you but you were gone before I realized it!!
When I returned, they had started supper. I knew we were having beef ribs for supper that was one of the reasons that I didn't want to miss my walk. they were so stinking good. But you know what? I so paid for it later. Now that I don't eat that way (greasy food) so much anymore, I though I was going to die. I was awake at 2am wishing I could get sick so I could feel just a bit better. Can't see me eating them again for a long time!
So there was a new pup at the cottage this year. He name is Abby. Terry and Steph have had her only a few days now. Max had to be put down. he was a great dog and adored by all. But they couldn't let him suffer any longer with his breathing condition and heat and humidity made it worst. Steph was just so lonely without him that she got Abby. These are a few pics of how spoiled she will be and what a nut she is already.
Seriously have you ever seen a dog sleep like this??? How crazy is that?
The funniest part of the whole weekend was the crazy pup. We would fill up King's water dish ( our dog, the Shepherd in the background) and she would play in it.
I posted the video of her and she would do this every time we filled up the dish and she noticed it! Crazy pup.
Thanks for the weekend Terry and Steph as always we had a great time on the boat and in the lake and in general with you guys!

Friday, July 23, 2010

how did you spend your week??

Well , it was a quiet week with no kids here. I haven't walked since Monday. I have been out staining everyday. I just felt the deck was so important and without Tyson here it was so much easier and I worked everyday 3-11pm so it was difficult to fit it in. I feel OK since it is work but not cardio. I had to get it done while I could. Steph came down to help and we will be doing theirs once ours is complete. Easy way to work together and get them done. The spindles are the worst part. but generally I think it looks pretty darn good. I have to admit though I am glad it is done. ( almost)
Happy Birthday to Scotty today too. We love you very much and are glad that you are such an important part of our life!! Love you tons!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

called home

Birthdays. Not such a big deal. In fact I spent the morning painting with Tyson.
Steph came by today to see me with Lauryn. They brought me a gift. A beautiful picture of he that Leslie took. My favorite one. One of my many faves. And a gift card. I love it. Thanks Williams family.
Tyson had lots of hugs and kisses for me this morning too.
I have to work today, but first I have to drop Tyson off at Mom's and then a lovely staff meeting. Mom also had a gift card for me. I asked for them because I wanted to finish off the white stone in my front flower beds. I'll post a picture later when I finish them.
Once I got to work all the girls wished me a happy birthday and Angela gave me a mall gift card too. And lots more hugs from my friends that I have at work.
After that, I got to work and into the meeting when the phone rang. The girls gave me the phone and on the other end was Dalton calling from camp to wish me a happy birthday. He sang it to me. I cried. Silly I know but I did. The girls all commented on how he is such a special kid. I loved that and it was probably the best gift I got all day.
I found out after that Dalton had a lonesome night that night. Andrea told me he was homesick after calling. Last year when he called home he talked to Dad. He was fine. So as much as I loved it, I think next year he will have to not call home. I can't be selfish and put him through that. Not fair to him. even though I didn't make him call, I can't have him upset. He is there to have fun and learn not worry about all of us at home and what he is missing.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kids gone....

So today was the day. Dalton was up at 6am. Normal for Tyson but not Dalton. We had breakfast and got ready for church and a way we went. Dalton knew as soon as church was over it was time to soon head out to camp. I had packed all his stuff last night and finished it up this morning. Dalton can't wait to go. He is hoping his camp leader is there again this year. Andrea travels from New Brunswick with her entire family to run the camp for a couple of weeks. Dalton adores her but we are unsure if she will be there again this year. Dalton is also unsure of how many of his friends will be there from last year. He is hoping to see some of them again, especially Cole and Josh.
This year he is taking another camper with him, Brock. He is also from our church. Dalton is going crazy today. It has to be the single most thing he loves to do that doesn't involve video games, television and riding his bike. His favorite things all left behind for camp. And he can't wait.
At church his was wished a safe and happy trip, and given lots of hugs. And away we went. We arrived home had some lunch and packed up the van and we were on our way. A soon as we pulled in all we heard from the back seat was.... Mom... there's Andrea... there's Cole.... there's Josh. He was so excited. I don't know how to tell you that he was thrilled. I have never seen Dalton so excited. Not even on Christmas. I teared up. I couldn't believe that this camp has impacted him so greatly that he has made such a connection here with these special people. I believe it is one of the things that makes Dalton who he is. You can't even bottle the joy that he had.
He wandered around for a bit, found more of his friends, talked with Andrea and then got his cabin number. He was Jr camper this year so he got to be above the hill. He was excited and ran up to pick his bed and meet his counsellors and cabin mates.
Dalton found his bed and quickly unpacked his stuff. And I mean quickly. So he could find his friends again!
It may have taken him 2 minutes tops! Then we got him a few new camp shirts and he was telling me I could go, he was good. I love the independence but hate that he doesn't need me so much anymore. One last stop to tag his shirts, put them away and grab his friends for a picture and we were gone.
Dalton's cabin was the corner one but most of his friends were in the cabin room next to him. Didn't matter to him though he was at camp with them that was enough.
Tyson couldn't then wait to get back home because he was going to Scott and Colleens for the night. So we got home had some supper and headed over there. Do you think he was in a hurry? Looking back saying come on Mom. I had a visit with them too, they gave me a lovely bath set for my birthday and then I went home to bed. I have to work in the am early. Then I will scoop Tyson up to go back home for the night then off to the trailer with him Tuesday. I am glad that I have such independent children with so many special people in their lives. Life isn't about having money, stuff and popularity. This is what life is all about. And I am thankful for it.
Maybe it took losing everything to figure that out when we had the house fire, or maybe it is just realizing that we are appreciative of what we have now, since stuff is just that stuff. And the things that matter most are the things that are closest to you that have no monetary value at all.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

good Day...

My Birthday is Tuesday but the kids will both be gone. Dalton leaves for camp (which he can't wait) tomorrow and Tyson leaves on Tuesday afternoon to go to the trailer with my parents. I work all this week so the kids are going on vacation without us. They both love going to the trailer with my parents. My Mom used to babysit them but now they are older Dalton only goes to visit, and Tyson only gets there on his non school days. for both of them it isn't nearly enough.
So we decided to have a little special evening tonight. We started out with getting pizza, after supper we headed over to dairy queen. I know that supper was already out of my calories but it was my birthday. Well kinda. Don't get me wrong, I haven't given up but for one day I am going to let myself enjoy food. Enjoy life, and indulge with my kids. It won't be a habit but if I don't let go once in a while, I will never make it through anything because I feel deprived and give in.
We decided to go to Dairy Queen because cake just means we all eat that crap for a week till it's gone. This way we all got what we wanted, ate what we wanted and when it was gone there was no leftovers to munch on. I had a blizzard. Calories for the day in that puppy alone. But I didn't stress I enjoyed every bit of it.
We went to the park and ate our treats and then we came back home.
I was feeling very full and hadn't walked yet today so Dalton and headed out Kerri was just getting home so we asked her to come with us. She did. She walked right along like a trooper and did a great job. (even though I had no doubts.) She questioned the distance of the walk. I thought it was 5kms we were walking. Kerri pointed out that it had to be more, she had clocked it part way with her car one day. So guess what I did it and it turns out that we have been walking 6. 1 kms everyday. Yay us! Thanks Kerri what a great no cost gift for my Birthday. LOVE IT!!
So I got home and we had company. Tina and Mike were here. Had a little visit with them and I found that I felt a lot better after my walk.
So I had a great day even though it was only kinda my birthday!! We were together and happy and enjoying the life that we share.
I love my family.

Friday, July 16, 2010

pool baby!!

One thing is for sure this little gal loves the pool. We have been taking her in regularly now. She has started to kick her feet and let us know she is in there. She doesn't even mind the boys splashing so much. After the first few days and all the sun, even though we were careful, we got her a hat.
Dalton picked this one out. Pink with flowers. We added the ribbons after. I am still on a mission to find her a bonnet. She can't help looking so darn cute!The heat has been so warm and with Steph and I walking everyday, she is just as warm as we are when we get back so, she goes in the pool with us. Not to mention the few extra calories burnt in the pool. There has also been days where she is just so darn fussy about the heat that we have put her in the pool. Never fails that after her head is wet and she has cooled down a bit we know her fist is at her mouth and she is for sure ready to eat.
Doesn't she looked so relaxed after the pool and some chow?
Now wait a sec..or a least a few minutes....this is relaxed!!!The pool has many benefits for Lauryn. ( shh and Mom!!)
We loves that darn babe!! How could you not?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

going to the trailer ...

We went to my parents trailer today. It was a beautiful day. My kids had a great time. Dalton was there about 2 minutes and realized his friend Katelyn was there and he was gone down to her water trampoline. Tyson on the other hand wasn't so lucky. He got stuck back at the trailer with us. My Mom had purchased a little pool for Tyson so we filled it up. He did his darnest to get everybody in it with him!! He managed to convince a few!!
Auntie Angino ( as he calls her)
And Dalton....

But then he was all on his own... and by the looks of it he managed quite well. because he spent the next 2 hours doing's sideways but you'll manage and get the point.

On the lifestyle front, I have given up on the scale. I have decided it is not my friend. I feel good, I am walking everyday almost and I have been keeping my food on tact. No emotional or bored eating happening. So whatever it says is just a number. I am doing what I need to do and I have just decided that the scale will not determine how I will let myself feel.

don't get me wrong I am still going to weigh myself but I am not going to let it determine my mood. Or how good I feel.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Proud Momma and Daddy!

Here is my little man sporting his new trophy! Last night was his last night at soccer. I would have gotten a picture of it at the soccer field but, I had to work. I left at 6:30pm. His Auntie Tracy came and got him. So she got to see him play and get his trophy.
He also got to go to Reid's and get a treat so for that he was thrilled.
Here is the animated face......
Here is the "I am just so darned cute face!"
He is so proud of himself, almost as proud as we are of him!
Thanks Auntie, I don't know what we would do without you coming to the rescue. Tyson would have missed this great day! Love you!!

Me inspiring...... I think not... well maybe???

I had an interesting phone call today. I was surprised to hear the voice on the other end. It was Kerri. She is our neighbour down the street. Our kids all go to school together, they have been in the same classes. They play together and generally we have intertwining lives at times.
I wasn't so much surprised to hear from Kerri, but actually surprised at what she said. She had been talking to another friend of ours and had been discussing this blog. Kerri has been trying to get her health straight ( and her weight) and she got reading here. She said I was an inspiration to her.....really me???? Never thought of that. I just did it for me. at no point did I think that I might inspire anyone. I am glad that I have but, it doesn't seem possible that I did. I am thrilled for Kerri.
She has offered to come walking with me at anytime she can, and I think that is great. There are days that Steph can't walk or I can't at a good time that suits us both so it will work out great!
Thanks Kerri, that phone call was just to boot in the fanny I needed to! Funny how we don't realize the impact that we have on others good or bad until it happens.
So this is what we had for supper tonight and it was good. Low on the calories side too!
It is sliced zucchini ( in matchsticks), diced onion and tomatoes. Some rice noodles and bake in the oven with 1/2 cup cheese (ground with a small grater) for 30 minutes and this is what you get. It was good and quite filling too. Even Darin and the kids ate it.
So just to put it out there... think about how your actions and reactions effect others because maybe just maybe we all could effect someone in the same negative or positive way and not think of it.
Thanks Kerri, I will be smiling for the next few days with that esteem boost from you!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

off to the movie again...

Well Dalton wanted to go see Eclipse so bad....that well.... a certain 19 year old just kinda offered to take him. Can you tell by the smile on his face that he was oh so excited to go?? I took this picture after the movie and he was still just as happy.
Unfortunately we never seem to get to spend enough time with our families. Everybody has their own things going on but this week has sure been fun! Thanks Leah! Anytime your feeling lonely and blue just call us we'll take up some of your time!
Dalton loved going to the movie with you! He will go anytime. If you want to go Friday he can go too. We'll see what we can work out.
We love you! Dalton says a BIG THANKS!! AND BIG HUGS!!

Monday, July 12, 2010 and ice cream...

So after our picnic lunch Dalton couldn't wait to get home. He had called his bud Keaton to come down this afternoon. they had planned a fun afternoon playing games, swimming in the pool and playing with Star wars stuff.
However not too long after Keaton got there the clouds opened up and the rain came. heavy rain. Very heavy rain. It was nice, cooled everything off a bit but man did it rain.
So we had some supper and the kids decided that they were going to make some ice cream sundaes. ( Les look away lol) Sprinkles and all. They had fun. I even had a little one minus the sprinkles and extra stuff. Part of this journey is to enjoy life. it isn't all about losing weight. It's about learning how to live my life with food. Not to live my life without it. And gosh darn it it WILL include a little sundae once in a while.
They ate it all right up too then they had a game of James Bond with Darin. All I can hear upstairs is Keaton's giggle, Dalton complaining that Darin is kicking their butts and Darin devilishly laughing along with Keaton. I am glad that Dalton has such special friends in his life that he can make memories with.
The boys posing for the camera with ice cream faces!! lol

Picnic and a walk

The boys have been missing their Grandma and so they decided that we would do something special for her today. Dalton called her last Friday and told her not to make any plans for lunch today. That was all he told her.

We arrived at her house about 12:15pm and we had a special surprise for her. We had a picnic packed. We had stopped at the walmart and picked up a BBQ chicken dinner. It had chicken, taters, salad and some rolls. We brought the drinks, water desert and some little things like grapes, and crackers and cheese. The boys had also brought her a small plant. Because Grandma loves flowers and plants.

She was surprised.

So we went to the park not too far from her house and had our picnic. We had some lunch and then we decided that since they had finished the little boardwalk that we would take a little walk and try it out.
The kids of course looked over the edge and saw some turtles and fish. Giving their mother a panic attack the whole time, and then they would complain about the walking it was about 2 miles of walking. They did well, we just strolled but it was warm.
Funny how kids can play in a park all day getting sweaty and never notice the heat, but they notice when they aren't doing something as fun.
We stopped a couple of times in the shade for the kids to cuddle her hot or not then we dropped her off back at home. It was a good time and we had fun with Grandma. I am glad that my boys have such a good relationship with their families. One day they will need them.
So after our sensible and practical lunch and burning a few extra calories to add to my walk this morning, we had a great day!
Thanks for spending the day with us Grandma!
We love you!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

pool party!!

After a full few days we were invited to go over to Scott and Colleen's for a small pool party. So with Leah and the kids in tow away we went.
The kids were excited to see Sean and Leslie and Mason there as well. They spent the entire afternoon in the pool swimming. Poor Sean must have been tired out from towing Dalton around in the pool all afternoon.
We had some great fajitas and snacks. most of all we had a great time. Thanks for having us. We love you guys terribly and don't know what we would ever do without you in our lives!!
After we got home, I tucked the kids into bed and I went for my walk. It was still warm but it was good. It makes me feel so much better when I walk everyday.