Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Me inspiring...... I think not... well maybe???

I had an interesting phone call today. I was surprised to hear the voice on the other end. It was Kerri. She is our neighbour down the street. Our kids all go to school together, they have been in the same classes. They play together and generally we have intertwining lives at times.
I wasn't so much surprised to hear from Kerri, but actually surprised at what she said. She had been talking to another friend of ours and had been discussing this blog. Kerri has been trying to get her health straight ( and her weight) and she got reading here. She said I was an inspiration to her.....really me???? Never thought of that. I just did it for me. at no point did I think that I might inspire anyone. I am glad that I have but, it doesn't seem possible that I did. I am thrilled for Kerri.
She has offered to come walking with me at anytime she can, and I think that is great. There are days that Steph can't walk or I can't at a good time that suits us both so it will work out great!
Thanks Kerri, that phone call was just to boot in the fanny I needed to! Funny how we don't realize the impact that we have on others good or bad until it happens.
So this is what we had for supper tonight and it was good. Low on the calories side too!
It is sliced zucchini ( in matchsticks), diced onion and tomatoes. Some rice noodles and bake in the oven with 1/2 cup cheese (ground with a small grater) for 30 minutes and this is what you get. It was good and quite filling too. Even Darin and the kids ate it.
So just to put it out there... think about how your actions and reactions effect others because maybe just maybe we all could effect someone in the same negative or positive way and not think of it.
Thanks Kerri, I will be smiling for the next few days with that esteem boost from you!!

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