So today was the day. Dalton was up at 6am. Normal for Tyson but not Dalton. We had breakfast and got ready for church and a way we went. Dalton knew as soon as church was over it was time to soon head out to camp. I had packed all his stuff last night and finished it up this morning. Dalton can't wait to go. He is hoping his camp leader is there again this year. Andrea travels from New Brunswick with her entire family to run the camp for a couple of weeks. Dalton adores her but we are unsure if she will be there again this year. Dalton is also unsure of how many of his friends will be there from last year. He is hoping to see some of them again, especially Cole and Josh.
This year he is taking another camper with him, Brock. He is also from our church. Dalton is going crazy today. It has to be the single most thing he loves to do that doesn't involve video games, television and riding his bike. His favorite things all left behind for camp. And he can't wait.
At church his was wished a safe and happy trip, and given lots of hugs. And away we went. We arrived home had some lunch and packed up the van and we were on our way. A soon as we pulled in all we heard from the back seat was.... Mom... there's Andrea... there's Cole.... there's Josh. He was so excited. I don't know how to tell you that he was thrilled. I have never seen Dalton so excited. Not even on Christmas. I teared up. I couldn't believe that this camp has impacted him so greatly that he has made such a connection here with these special people. I believe it is one of the things that makes Dalton who he is. You can't even bottle the joy that he had.
He wandered around for a bit, found more of his friends, talked with Andrea and then got his cabin number. He was Jr camper this year so he got to be above the hill. He was excited and ran up to pick his bed and meet his counsellors and cabin mates.
Dalton found his bed and quickly unpacked his stuff. And I mean quickly. So he could find his friends again! 
It may have taken him 2 minutes tops! Then we got him a few new camp shirts and he was telling me I could go, he was good.
I love the independence but hate that he doesn't need me so much anymore. One last stop to tag his shirts, put them away and grab his friends for a picture and we were gone.
Dalton's cabin was the corner one but most of his friends were in the cabin room next to him. Didn't matter to him though he was at camp with them that was enough.
Tyson couldn't then wait to get back home because he was going to Scott and Colleens for the night. So we got home had some supper and headed over there. Do you think he was in a hurry?
Looking back saying come on Mom. I had a visit with them too, they gave me a lovely bath set for my birthday and then I went home to bed. I have to work in the am early. Then I will scoop Tyson up to go back home for the night then off to the trailer with him Tuesday. I am glad that I have such independent children with so many special people in their lives.
Life isn't about having money, stuff and popularity. This is what life is all about. And I am thankful for it.
Maybe it took losing everything to figure that out when we had the house fire, or maybe it is just realizing that we are appreciative of what we have now, since stuff is just that stuff. And the things that matter most are the things that are closest to you that have no monetary value at all.
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