When Darin is home we try to spend sometime together as a family. He doesn't get holidays per say because he is a seasonal employee so if he wants time off it is unpaid time. So this happens rarely. But it has been known to happen.
This is one of the things recently that we went to as a family. A town not too far from us has a wild west weekend. So we decided that we would take to boys and see if they would like it. No question, they did.
First thing.... cowboy hats.... Good price really only $10.00 each.
Then the parade..... this was just one of the things they had... The stage coach.
Then a little drink at the Saloon..... Tyson had to fight off the show girl..."awww shucks he's cute". 
Then a little panning for gold as the sun got hot!!
Look Mom I got some!!
Then a visit to the petting zoo.... goats,
crocodiles, and lemurs....oh my!
They even had the worlds smallest pony.... only a foot and a half tall!
Tyson thought the best part was the pony ride!
Then the boys waited for the train that only passed through once a week...... long wait!
Tyson was not impressed when the actually thought he had to wait a week!!
Then the old west shoot out!!
Then we waited...
and waited....
For what you might ask...
(Doesn't Ty look just like a farmer in this pic..exclude the buzz light year. He loves John Deere and the hat so suits him. My little cowboy!)
The Wild West bank robbery...
Billy the kid and his gang robbed the bank... 
after a little chase, shoot out,and round up the gang was arrested by the sheriff and his deputies...
Billy the kid.., you ask..... He didn't fair out too well..
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