Wednesday, June 16, 2010

9.5 inches...

9.5 inches....

Do you measure yourself? I have to admit. I normally don't. I haven't in the past. I have noticed though that since the new year when I decided enough was enough and that I wanted to get this done, accomplished and start reliving and enjoying all my life. That I figured I would just take some measurements to start out with.

Well. since January 7Th it would appear that I have lost a total of 9.5 inches over all.

I have lost 6 in my waist. hips was 1. Neck was 1.5. And my arms were 1. I knew that my pant were loose but holy am I happy about that.

Steph has been keeping me going. I have walked everyday this week with or without her. My feet and one calf are giving me struggles but I am going to win. I have to win. She is a real goer which I love, but holy. My feet are glad to shed those shoes once we get home. THANKS STEPH!!

I just think. 9.5 inches. That's something to be proud of.

And I am.


  1. Your Very Welcome, We will Keep at it, just thinking about you are you out in this rain??? hope not, Walk tomorrow! Keep Up the Awesome Work! :)

  2. Hi Diana. Well done on 9.5 inches lost! That is a big achievement.

    And getting out and walking even when it's a struggle is another achievement.


    Bearfriend xx
