Well last night proved to be a bunch of fun. We went to see ZZTop. We were suppose to meet up with a bunch of people but those plans kinda flopped. But you know what we met up with other friends. We saved money by not drinking and probably had just as much fun.
By not drinking, I saved a ton of calories that I didn't need to be drinking anyway. I did have one beer, but I don't think that one will kill me. That and I don't want diet to over rule real life.
We watched so many "Young" people power drink and I thought of my own two boys. I can only hope that I can teach them better than that. I know it is different when they are older, when they are around their friends but I still can only hope.I think that this is so dangerous and kids have no idea what they are doing to themselves.
I didn't walk yesterday. I felt terrible. Not physically but emotionally.Because, I have been going everyday whether I felt like it or not. It all worked out though for the best because I got it in. my Parents live about 3 kms from where the concert was. We took our van to their house and took a cab from there to the concert. Darin has a very bad back and can't walk to far without being in total pain. However, afterwards it was so jammed packed with people that I told him to just walk up the hill to Tim Horton's, and I would walk to get the van. He didn't like me walking at 11pm all alone in the dark. Seriously, I said there are 10000 people walking the same way.
Ended up though, that I walked there with 2 young 16 year old girls who were kinda spooked because it was thunder and lightening out.It took my less than 20 mins to walk the 3 kms. But trust me (Steph) my feet and calf was killing me and it was almost an all uphill grade!The two girls were glad to have the company. We were lucky, it didn't rain until after I got the van and picked up Darin.
We did something bad after that though, we were both starving and we went and got subs. I ate tons of veggies and made it as healthy as I could but I am hoping that I really don't pay for eating so late at night.
So after all that we had a great time and I got my exercise in and all was good. It didn't start out too bad either though. I had bought some new jeans way back at Christmas. They were tight and I could barely do them up. Well last night I hemmed them and put them on. They have been washed and dried in the dryer. And they fit. They were loose. I couldn't believe it.I needed a belt to hold them up! I was one happy girl. When this happens and I feel good I forget about the scale.
Sometimes I drive myself crazy and can weigh myself up to 3 times a day. I know that isn't good, but I get fixed on something and too late. But after that I realized. The scale doesn't matter as much as how I feel. I feel great so if I just keep doing what I am doing then the scale will start to see it like I do. Maybe it is time to give Darin the scale to put away for a few weeks and forget about it.
So today is father's day.Here is an old pic I am sharing. It is when Tyson was 10 months old Dalton was 6. It is at Canada's wonderland. It was probably the last time that we went there as a family. Since that, I have gone with Dalton alone up till last year Tyson and Colleen came with us.

Happy Father's day. To my wonderful husband. You drive me crazy... With your silly songs, your foolish ways, when you don't pick up after yourself, when you make more work for me, when you are selfish, and when your the only one who thinks your funny.
But here's the thing. I wouldn't have you any other way. I love you till death. You have turned out to be a great father. For the guy who didn't want any. Our kids adore you. You are gentle and kind, and love them for who they are( even though some days Ty is a challenge). You take the time to make their childhood the best that they could have and that is why I love you. Their lives wouldn't be the same with out you.
And to my own Father and Grandfather. Thank you for making me into the woman I am I hope I didn't turn out too bad either!!
I love you.
Hi Diana. Glad you had a great time at the gig.
ReplyDeleteAnybody would be driving themselves crazy weighing three times a day! Once or twice a week (at the the same time in the day) is plenty.
Lovely that you are so happy in your marriage :) Have a wonderful day.
Bearfriend xx
Hey Di Glad u had a great time at the concert, was thinking about you guys lastnight, when it was lightning but glad it didnt dampen your evening. What you wrote was totally sweet regarding fathers day and Darin :) Throw that scale away, how u feel in your clothes is key, that is what makes the difference, weight yourself once a week just to have a base, otherwise just go by feel. Your doing an awesome job and we will walk it hard this week, either with lauryn or without, but we will keep eachother going, Your a trooper walkin :)Keep it up! Have a great day!