Have you seen these shoes?? I have seen the commercials. I watched that beautiful fanny prance around half naked, tanned legs and all that. Thinking the whole time. Yeah that chick hasn't had kids yet. Regardless, a friend of mine has them, I teased her about them at first. I have looked at them before at Sport check but could not imagine paying over $100.00 for a pair of shoes.
Well I was at Costco on Thursday and they were only $49.99 so I decided to try them. I read all the benefit's for your legs, calf's, fanny, abs etc. I read about all the good things it helps. I know I will never have and *ss like the one on television but... here is the thing. I have issues with my feet. I have what the Dr described as carpel tunnel but in my feet. My toes burn and get numb when I walk or stand for any time at all. So I walk everyday for the exercise. At least 5kms. It bothers my feet. I have shin splints in my left leg too. I can't win.
I purchased these shoes. I have wore them walking three days now. First day...shins splints were non existent. (they happen everyday when I walk) The heat and numbness in my toes, they get hot still but the numbness is gone. Do I think it's the shoes. You bet. Because when I put my old shoes on I can feel my calf's. They feel different. I wear New Balance runners all the time, so I generally have good shoes on my feet. My stomach muscles this morning are sore too! So it means these shoes actually do what they say. I am just grateful for my feet! Steph says that I am even walking faster ( probably because I am not in so much pain).
So I must say, I like my new shoes. Have you got a pair? What so you think? If you don't and you walk or run... I suggest get a pair!!
IM getting a pair! glad they are working for you Di, look forward to walkin again soon