Thursday, June 24, 2010
New shoes...

report cards...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
What did your day sound like....
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Busy day..

Brown Belt it is....
We might start at some point this summer but we will see how busy we are otherwise it will wait until fall. For him though it can't start soon enough. But I also tried to remind him that it will somewhat interfere with the activities that we plan on going and doing this summer. So he decided to pass until September.
Mom and Dad are so proud of you Dalton!! We love you so much! XO
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Guess what we did last night....and how good I felt

I love you.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Love, love, Love them....

Friday, June 18, 2010
It all takes an effort.
- Your kids bring you so much love, grief, comfort, pain, happiness, unhappiness but most of all Love. They take so much effort. They need people to take the time to make them into good human beings. Caring human beings. Not selfish, not hurtful, just all around good people. It all takes time. In the end if you have taught them right it will be worthwhile.
- Your job. If you don't put some kind of worthwhile effort into it and you don't enjoy it and then your unhappy, struggling and miserable. It takes an effort to be happy and good at it. No matter what the job may be.
- Friendships. If you want a friendship to last for a lifetime, you have to put an effort in. If you don't the friends distance themselves and the friendship fades and people move on. Friendships are 50/50 both people need to make the effort or it won't last.
- Marriage. It works alot the same way as a friendship. If it is going to last then you have to make an effort. It has to be 50/50 whether it is money, kids, time, housework all the things that come in a relationship, it has to be an honest effort by both people or it just doesn't work. And divorce is inevitable.
My health is finally one of those things that I am going to make an effort. I have been making an effort. It is a priority. Pain or no pain, if it is worthwhile then I have to make and effort.
So I guess with that being stated that I must think......
It takes a lot to admit it but as I have been feeling better I think I have become better at all the things I said above. whether it is because I am not tired, sluggish and exhausted I don't know but whatever it is I am glad that after 38 years that I am finally not afraid to say it!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
9.5 inches...

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Looking forward to summer...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010
Amanda The graduate!
She will unfortunately be moving out of Ontario but she will be with Ethel's family ( her Mom's) she has already got and apartment and is starting her life. One day her parents will move down east and be with her again when the retire but until then we look forward to seeing her when she comes home.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Sweet Baby Lauryn!
So on Tuesday that is all I heard all day. When is she coming. What time are they going to get here. Is it time yet. Can you text Steph. and so on.....
So they got here and as you can see from the pictures I had two super excited boys.
Dalton was the exact opposite. He held her like a pro. He was so attentive to her. Coddling her and making sure she was safe. He recently did the babysitting course so he knows all about what to do. I said he was just securing himself a job. (LOL) But he kept an eye on her all evening telling Tyson to stay away.
It is great stuff!! I hope you don't win so I can!! But give it a go anyway!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Don't look back!!
So I decided that I was going to go and look around for some new stuff that might catch my eye for summer. I first went into Pennington's. I like their clothes, they wash up great for work and withstand the wear. Here is the thing though. Everything I tried on in there was so damn big that it looked sloppy. Even the XL. Trust me I am not that small and I know it but I think their sizes are bigger. or something. Because, there was no buying that stuff.
Even when I look in the mirror I see changes but I still see that fat person looking back. How do you change your self impression. When you don't see what others see? Why do women find it so hard to find the good in themselves or just not care what they appear like. most men don't. They don't have the self consciousness that woman have. Some do. Most don't.
I plan on trying to turn my head to the fat person looking back, but it's going to be hard. We are so critical of ourselves.
It did feel good to know that I didn't have to shop there anymore. I can go to a regular store and purchase something that might fit a bit better. But until then I'm happy with my XL and 2XL old stuff. Call me cheap. or call me the girl working her way into that smaller size.
Until then. I'm good. I am also happy that when I put my clothes on now, it isn't too tight, it isn't snug, and that most of it falls away from my body. Maybe with the new clothes I can shed that self conscious behavior that clothes aren't suppose to be tight!!
Hmmmm....in the meantime though I won't be looking back at the fact that I don't HAVE to shop there again because I have no other options.
Maybe my husband won't like the fact when I love myself more, that I might spend much more of our money on me..... after all don't I have to make up for lost time??
All things soccor!
Don't get me wrong my kids love all that stuff too, but I am glad that they also enjoy to do all the other things. Tyson would be outside all the time if he could. So here are a few pics of his first night at soccer. Dalton wasn't ugly even though he looks that way, he just forgot his hat and it was so bright and so hot!
Tonight he managed to get a goal and a SHINER! First ever for both. We don't know how but it must have been from an elbow, shoe or a soccor ball. At one point he thought he'd do a David Beckham but yeah....not so much!
Here he is sporting his shiner, a dirty face and the new short hair!
Great Job Ty Ty, we love you!
Monday, June 7, 2010
back in the groove.
I am back down to 206 but it makes me mad that I was so close to being out of the 200's and that I let stress and frustration get to me.
I am not anorexic. I am not bulimic. But I defiantly know that I have issues with food. Issues in the sense that I think it is my friend that doesn't talk back. Comforts me when I need it. I need to start looking at it that it is a friendship that is killing me. And we all know when you have a friend like that in your life that makes you feel bad about yourself, makes you feel worse to be around in the long haul, kills your self esteem that you so get them out of your life. I can't get rid of the food, but I can certainly change my relationship with it. And that is what I plan on doing.
I don't want my kids learning that food is their friend. To rely on it for comfort. I want them to be strong, and secure enough in themselves that they can deal with anything.