Tonight I went to Eclipse with my niece Leah. She was looking for someone to go and I was available. Lucky me! We saw the movie. My favorite part was when Edward says..." I guess he's never heard of a shirt" I laughed and thought it was quite amusing. 

Now I have to watch New Moon. Yes it is the second movie and yes I should have seen it first but oops. Nope. Good thing Leah had it for me to borrow. I'm not sure when I'll get a sec but it is here for me to do that.
On the weight loss, lifestyle change front. I have been finding it so hard to stay focused food wise. It is so hot. I hate getting everything ready. Everything seems a challenge. I am walking everyday almost. I try not to miss a day. I am not overeating but I am eating the wrong stuff because by the time I get the meal ready for everyone else I just couldn't be bothered to eat it and later when it has cooled off a bit in the evening, then I want to eat but I know I shouldn't.
My weight hasn't gone up or down. But I certainly wish it would! This is the frustrating part and I wish my body was normal like other people! But unfortunately it is what it is.
I love summer because of the great weather, the pool, the outdoors but this is the one thing I hate about it!
I'm going to wait 'til it comes out on video. I loved the books but the movies are so bad. Your body IS normal, your normal, which is different from everyone else's normal.