Dalton's list......
- church camp
- Nan's trailer
- beach
- wonderland
- go carts
- drive in
Tyson's list
- eat
- nan's trailer
- eat
- pool
- eat
- water park
- eat
- play with his friends
- eat.
It's a good thing Tyson is a goer because he likes to eat a lot!! lol I am glad he picks good things to munch on even if it isn't fruit and veggies. He picks baked crackers, low fat cheese strings, baby bells, cereal bars. He is also growing and he likes water so he is doing OK.
I am happy on the other hand to report that I am walking at least 5 days a week and at least 5kms. most I walk 6 but if I can't get it in I don't stress. it is what it is. Steph pushes me to go and since my feet are still good in my new shoes we have managed to drop 10 minutes off our time.
I am also happy to report that I have sworn off the scale. I obsess about it too much and tucked it away for a week or so and just see if I can manage to not drive myself crazy.
Then again your probably thinking... how far can she possibly go, that she isn't already?? lol
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