Today after our walk we ventured out to the local water park. We had made plans to meet up with some other friends. the Pottiers. Sidney and Dalton have been in the same class since jk. And her little brother Ryan is in Tyson's class now. So how perfect that we spend the day together.
This is Ryan smiling on purpose. Funny boy!
Tyson loves it the most. His class came here for their field trip at the end of the year. Dalton is getting a bit older but as you can see him in the back ground of this picture I think that he made it work.
The kids had a great time going from the park back to the water park. They would have wet bums and they would really go on the slides that are plastic. in fact I had to stand at the bottom and catch them because they were sliding off right into the playground on their bums. I was only in the sun 20 minutes and got burnt to a crisp I might add. 
Nick, Dalton's friend also came with us. As you can see even though they complained that they were too big to "play" in the park, I think they had some fun!
As you can see Tyson loves it!!
So we had a picnic and then went to the dairy for an ice cream treat.
I was wishing that I had brought my camera in the dairy. Ryan was damp from the park. He had a big dish of ice cream, and his lips were blue. He was shivering like crazy and we were laughing but there was no way he was giving up that ice cream it was hilarious.
I was wishing that I had brought my camera in the dairy. Ryan was damp from the park. He had a big dish of ice cream, and his lips were blue. He was shivering like crazy and we were laughing but there was no way he was giving up that ice cream it was hilarious.
Thank you for the great day Suzanne and Sidney and Ryan we had a ton of fun!!
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