Saturday, April 21, 2007

A Fun Filled, Eventful and Joyous Day!!

It was a very nice day. Gorgeous. The weather was sunny, very little humidity, it was 20*, and not one bit muggy. I wish all our summer days could be so nice.
Today we had a great day! Lots of fresh air and exercise! First thing this morning we got up when Daddy got ready to leave for the Marlbank poker run. For those of you that don't know it is a four wheeler run where there are several stops. You pick up a chip at each drop and at the end you turn in your chips for a cards and that is your hand in a game of poker. There is lots of prises for the winners so it will be interesting to see if Darin comes home with anything. Usually I go too but this year I decided that I would stay home with the kids and Darin could go with his buddies. Just as well we had a great day!

After Daddy left we all got ready. We had planned to see Auntie Ethel today. She is a very special friend of mine and the kids just love her. Since I returned to work last August I haven't had a lot of time to spend with her so today was the perfect day! Anyway, we got already to go and she arrived about 9:00am. We went to Denny's for breakfast. Both of Ethel's kids work there. First out came Kenny to say hello, then shortly after Amanda. I remember when Ethel's kids were the same size as mine! Uggg!

We had breckie and a good visit. Dalton had Alien pancakes. His favorite no matter at home or out! He's a cheap date! He was chewing on the plate in the picture! Tyson just shared off of every one's plate except for the chocolate milk. That he has no problem devouring!

After breakfast we decided to go to the pirate ship park for the kids to play. We laughed. Ethel said she needed a glucose pump just to keep up with Tyson! That boy ran all over, and over, and over. Not the least bit interested in anything but running around and under the boat!

Dalton played and looked for a Friend as always. They had a ball.

Tyson wasn't much into riding with Dalton!

See you couldn't hold him down!!!

Afterwards we decided it was off to Reid's Dairy for an ice cream cone. It was yummy!

Tyson shared Mommy's!

We then went over to Toy's "R" Us to look around at what's new. We just looked much to Dalton's unhappiness. He didn't say it, ( he knows better) but he was thinking it!
We headed home then. John just got dropped off by his Dad so we had to get home before Angela had a cow. Go figure. Hmmm fourteen year old boy at home alone in the country what do you think he is doing..... of course... the Internet. There isn't much else that he would get into alone.
The boys ( Dalton and John) had some work to do. Each paying then some cash for their pockets. John had to move around some insulation for Darin and Dalton had to shine the rims on Daddy's truck! We got some really hot pictures of John in some of his Uncles old clothes because he forgot his own. John make sure your girlfirend sees these pics your real sexy! he wasn't impressed about me taking his picture but Dalton and I were dying laughing.

We especially liked the pose.....

I don't think he did too bad a job for a six year old! I'm sure Dad will be impressed!

As all kids we went to Walmart after because I had to get a few things. John's lasted about 15 minutes and he bought a CD. Dalton tried to spend it but he just couldn't find anything to buy because he didn't have enough. Watch out Nan... he is coming for the can. ( He has a secret stash at Nan's house!)
We came home made some tacos, kids had a bath, played a little game cube, and watched "Happy Feet" and went to bed. Both of my kids were tired out! Me too but I am just going to lay on the couch until Darin calls to come and pick him up!

This is a picture of my dog Johnathan took....isn't he a beautiful dog... I love him.... Awwww

Great day! Thanks Ethel! Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Wow...what a fun time and those alien pancakes look pretty good!
