Saturday, June 30, 2007

Odds and ends to happenings of the weekend....

*EDIT* I was allowed to add a title a few days later, I don'y have any idea what is going on with blogger, one day I can't log in the next it is something else!
I cannot type in the title box for this post. I don't know why. Weird.
So today I have a long day of cleaning house, doing laundry, making supper and having a yard sale. I think though the yard sale is a bomb. It is the long weekend and it appears that most people are away. A few stragglers have been by but not to many and made nothing. better luck next time I guess.
Darin and Dalton have gone up to Crow lake fishing with Darin's cousin Tim for the day. They enjoy to go together.
( Update.. when they got home Dalton said he and Tim weren't much of a fisherman because Daddy was the only one who caught anything..)
So hopefully they all have fun. I don't expect to see them until later tonight. It is starting to pour here good thing I just cleaned up. I hope the boys don't get wet. I sent lots of lunch and sunscreen but no coat. It wasn't suppose to rain??
Crazy weather.
So I have no pictures.Nothing exciting enough to take a picture of.
Have a great Saturday! Hope yours is a little more exciting than mine!

Friday, June 29, 2007

First Day of holidays!!

Today was the first day of summer holidays. Officially. Dalton got to have the extra day yesterday for Great Grandma's funeral. So today we did something special.
We went to the Kinsman park. The kids love it there. They have a fountain and a pool and lots of equipment for them to play on. We met Grandma and Jesse there. So Dalton was so happy about that. He loves when he gets to spend time with Jesse.
This is the fountain that he kids love to play around in....
This is the play ground equipment that Tyson loved to have Nanny and I chase him on and around.
Nanny and Tyson snuggling up after freezing in the fountain water.
Apparently the water wasn't too cold for the bigger boys.
Today has been a ridiculous day. Dalton's ears have been in his fanny and I have already had to remind him what his holidays are going to be like if it continues. After we went to the park and had a great day, we went and had our hair cut.That chore with Tyson just doesn't get any easier.
We also had a few errands to run. Dalton just continued to get worse as the day went on. At Canadian tire he found out how bad his day was going to get. I let him misbehave and then we went to the van. Quite honestly I was sick of speaking to him.
He got a little surprise that he wasn't expecting when he got into the van. Needless to say we managed to finish our errands without anymore incidents. And he was good once we got home.
Oh lord help me with the rest of the summer holidays and either help the child to behave or me to have some more patience.
I am generally good and don't get too frustrated with Dalton because he is good, but probably after having to be so good yesterday he just couldn't help but let loose today.
Here's to better summer holidays!

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Great Grandma died...

On a sad note, Darin's grandma died last night. She was 93 years old and lived a good life. She has been wanting die for a while now and we were all glad that she got her wish. She has been suffering for a while in the seniors home. So possibly this is for the best. She will be missed.
But at the same time it is nice to know she is at peace and back with Than. Her husband again.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Guess who passed into grade 2!!

Well today was report card day. Dalton came home as proud as a peacock!
He has passed into grade 2 in the fall. Today he took flowers into Ms. Koekman. This is her. And also for Ada. She is his school bus driver. I love her. She is the greatest bus driver ever. Even though Dalton has the shortest bus ride of everyone in the school. We can stand in our front yard and see the school yard. Because we are a country school and there are no sidewalks, safety with the school board states that he must take the bus. He likes to anyway.
So we got him a little present for passing. Something he wanted. We rented him a game way back on March Break. he loved it. Bionicles "heroes". I have been watching on eBay since then. I got a great deal on one. It is $45.00 at Walmart and I got it brand new in wrap on eBay for $20.00 woo hoo! He wasn't sure what it was except a game when he opened it.

As you can see he was so happy.

Dalton's marks were good and I was proud of him. He got all A's & B's , and that lingering C in gym. I told him that as long as he got all A's & B's in everything else I would never complain about that "C".
Now just three more days of school until summer starts and Mom's everywhere go insane and wish for fall!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Hot tub fun!!

Today was a busy day. I did laundry and lots of it. There never seems to be an end to it when you have small kids. Regardless, Darin had made plans to build a trailer with Scott this weekend for the guys to do sap with in the spring. So they worked away at it all day and then we went over to Scott and Colleens' for supper.
Dalton loves to go over to their house because they too have a pool but also a hot tub. I have been trying to get in it since they bought it. When they did I was pregnant with Tyson and just always have forgotten my suit. Well, Colleen had a suit I could use so I had no excuse. So I went in. I must say that I did enjoy it very much.
Tyson liked it at first but wasn't too sure after that and spent his time coming in and out and in and out. Dalton of course had a great time and ran back and forth from the pool to the hot tub. I expect he will have a cold this week because the pool wasn't near as warm as the hot tub.
See Tyson hamming it up for the camera! Flexing his muscles.

Poppa Scott snuggling him. Tyson was wanting down so he could!

Shhhhh... don't tell Colleen I posted her picture she will kill me she hates her picture taken.
Then Ty got a little snuggling from her. See his cheek he fell earlier in the day and smacked his cheek on the metal leg of the lawn chair. OUCH! That's going to leave a mark.
So after that we headed home and Scott will be back out tomorrow to finish working on the trailer!
Shawn and Leslie ( their daughter and her fiance) are moving to Belleville at the end of the week. They have purchased a house here. So Colleen and Scott are looking forward to that and getting them settled.
So are we because we love them both. And Dalton thinks the world of Shawn. He has been to Iraq twice. He parachutes in to rescue P.O.W'S. I don't think you could have given me his job. So he is Dalton's "hero". And who better than him. Shawn can't wait to have kids of his own.
So I am heading to bed have a great weekend everyone!!

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Friday, June 22, 2007

The end of year field trip!!

Well it is the end of the school year again. Another week to go but soon they will be home driving us all crazy! This year Dalton's class left their last school trip until the last minute to plan. So we only had a couple of days notice to arrange babysitting etc. We always manage though.

This year they have been working on community members and safety so we started out at the fire hall here in foxboro. The kids had a great deal of fun they got to go into the fire trucks and have things explained and look around. And touch which they all loved! they are so roudy with it being the end of the year and sooooo excite able!

Second stop was the pet store. They had the opportunity to pet a bid or two,9 one of the kids got an unexpected treat and the bird pooped on him which made the kids even more worked up), a Guinea pig, a ferret, a rat, a snake, a lizard, and a cat fish. They were so loud. But they were having tons of fun!

Last stop was Reid's Dairy. They had some lunch and a milkshake. After that we went to the pond and the kids saw all kinds of animals. Geese, goats, turtles etc. They were starting to get quiet and slowing down so we gave them sugar. Makes sense eh?
After that busy day they went back to school for a spelling test??
Yes that is kinda what I thought too. But Dalton got 9/9 no biggie!
What a loud, busy but great day with my son!
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

June + Strawberries = One wild 6 year old!!

This morning after I took Dalton to school and did and errand for Darin, Tyson and I went a picked strawberries. it was a beautiful day and the strawberries were wonderful. I have to say though it was an adventure trying to pick berries with a 22 month old helper. I picked with one hand and held him with the other.

Dalton loves strawberries. This is probably pretty much all he will eat for a couple of days. That is what happens every year! These particular berries were so sweet that you didn't need to add a thing! They were great!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Orange belt stripe!

Tonight Dalton was presented with his yellow belt stripe.
Tyson was enjoying a snack while we were waiting for his turn.We watched the kids do some exercises and as Sensai presented each of the children with either their belt of stripe.

This was the children doing a few exercises.

This was the presentation part. This is Cole the helper. He is called a Sempai.
Dalton loves karate. He was so proud. And he is looking forward to start up in September. Next week is the pizza party for the end of the year.
Sensai's comment about about Dalton is that he needs more discipline but is is sure a really strong power house! Like a Chevy truck! So that made Dalton super happy!
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Ms. Koekman's Birthday !

Today was Dalton's teacher's 37th birthday. He got up early this morning and made her a chocolate cake, her favorite. He was so proud of himself he only needed a little help with the frosting.
I went to high school with Julie ( his teacher) so it seems so ironic that she is now teaching my soon. Weird actually.
It is funny how life comes full circle.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day!!

Today was father's day. Dalton made his dad a present at school this week. A pencil holder. He had to give it to him Friday night because he was so excited about it. Cute eh?

At the grocery store he picked up Daddy some Pringles too. Daddy love Pringles and so does Dalton. So I sort of figured it was for both of them. he gave him those on Saturday. So instead of a father's day it turned out to be a fathers " weekend".

Tyson wanted to be a part of it too. These were from Sunday morning. Yup there was still something left to give him then. Dalton had gotten him some armour all wipes tor his truck. Tyson got to give him the card.

These were the wipes. Who is happier Dalton or Daddy. So this was Father's day at our house.
This is my favorite picture of the entire day.
Then we went out to Ten acre for breakfast. Later on in the day we also went over to Scott and Colleen's so Dalton and Tyson could give Scott his present. He got his some golf tees with his name on them and a scratch ticket.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Reader of the week!!

Well, I don't know why but the certificate will not load a picture up on the blog. But I will tell you about it anyway. Dalton came home today and in his bag he had a certificate. It was for the reader of the week.
He was so proud of that darn thing. And his spelling test that he got 9/9 on. He is doing so great in school this year that I cannot wait until the report card next week!
I think that all the kids got to get the reader of the week but I am not sure. That is usually how they do it. It's gotta be fair in order that none of the kids get devistated and marked for life!
What a crock!
That's ma boy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Headband boy..

Since Tyson has gotten his tubes, he cannot get any water in his ears. At all. Makes for really planning ahead. Especially with water sports and stuff.
Well, today he had to have a bath. Can you tell by the face? He doesn't mind the headband too much but it took some getting used to.
No matter how you look at it dirty face and all isn't he just so darn cute??

Monday, June 11, 2007

What is it with boys and Home Depot ?

I had to pick John up from school tonight. He sleeps at our house when I work midnights. Darin leaves around 6am, and I don't get home until about 7:30am so it helps us out some.
Anyway tonight while Dalton was at Karate, and after i picked up Johnathan. We had to go to home depot and pick up some 2x4's. We needed them for the bottom of mt gazebo that is under repair. I got it last year but..... there was a big wind storm and it picked it up and turned it inside out over our maple tree. Not so good for the metal bars. Anyway, I managed to find someone with the frame that they were getting rid of with just a little damage. We kept all the parts just for no reason. in hopes I guess. I was almost sick about it because it was only up for a month when that happened.
Anyway, this time we are screwing in down to wood then placing cement blocks on the wood to hold it in place. Hope fully no more wind storms. Tyson had a great time riding around on the cart!
What is it with men having such a fun time at home depot? Do the hormones go into overdrive when you walk in??

He had rusty butt from the cart when we left!

Riding around just like he is in his right mind.

This is my gazebo once it was all done except for the other half of the screen.. i love to sit in it at night I hvae light for it too. It keeps out the skitters. And is great for the shade! I would reccomend it to anyone who needs something like this for your yard, but make sure it is secured down!

Hopefully, just hopefully it won't blow away this time!

Friday, June 8, 2007

So the flu is gone....

So the flu has managed to slowly dwindle away... thank goodness!! Tyson was well enough to have the tubes done in his ears today. I wish that I had remembered my camera because he was just so darn cute in his little nightgown with pink stripes and his little blue cap.

I felt so bad for him. We had to be at the hospital which is about 30 minutes from our house cross country at 7 am this morning. He wasn't allowed to have anything to eat or drink either. So all he kept saying was "thirsty eh?" because he wanted something and every time we tried to explain he couldn't he'd pitch another fit. Everyone said he was oh so cute until he started to sh reek!

So the whole procedure took about an hour and we were on our way back home at about 9 am. He was not happy afterwards but they let him go figuring that once I got him home, fed him, gave him more to drink and he had a nap all is well. Yeah so they thought.

See he still looked like crap after a nap and all...
I took the kids to Mom at 2:30 pm and I went on to work. He didn't last long snuggling into Nan and by 6:30 pm he was wanting to go back to bed. We'll see how tonight goes. I just got home and he was standing in his bed waiting for me.
On another note though Dalton had a great time at Scott & Colleen's last night. He went because Daddy had to go to work at 6am and I had to leave the house at 6:20am. School doesn't start until 9:15 am. So he went there for a visit.
He got to play some games, see Shawn & Les, read, have a hot tub... I don't know what all. I heard all about the great fun and the pancakes this morning!! All I know is when do I get to go and have so much fun!
Thanks Scott & Colleen for having Dalton for a visit. I know by the tale I got after school today that he had a great time!! We love you!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Guess who is sick now?? And the book fair!

Well, Monday I felt a little bit better, so I did get my blinds washed! And it rained all day so that put the co bosh on all the outside stuff. On Tuesday I was just as sick as I was on Sunday. Again I could hardly drag myself to the bathroom. I was so sick of being sick.

Today is good though I feel much better and I actually ate a whole sandwich. And Didn't expel it from either end ten minutes later!! WooHoo! However, Tyson can't say the same thing. After lunch he didn't keep it long! And all over me too! I was suppose to go to work today but not when he is sick. So I called in. Can't send him to a babysitter like that! He is farting like his father but filling his pants at the same time. It wasn't funny but he farted tonight and we all looked at each other and wondered who did it and he stood up and walked over to me like he had a pickle in his pants and we all started to laugh because it sounded like someone honked on a tuba!

Poor baby! I know exactly how he feels! Look at his poor little face. I hope he feels better for getting his tubes in his ears on Friday!

On a better note though today was the book fair at school. Dalton got a new book he was excited. It was Transformers! It's a boy thing. I was surprised though that he didn't get an I SPY book because he loves them


We also made some cupcakes for his class today with the leftover icing from Keauden's cakes. Psychedelic frosting with chocolate cake! The kids thought it was great. No matter which way you looked at them they were a different colour.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Kitten engineer!!

Well we have an engineer kitten. Tyson was playing with the animal train tonight and the cat was chasing it so they put him in it! Silly cat rode around the whole living room just looking around!

I am still so sick. I didn't do anything today other than what I had to. Darin left this morning, he had promised to help a friend. I couldn't even drag myself to the bathroom to get sick. Dalton said that if I died he'd miss me. Tyson slept in and then played with his big brother before having another nap!
Yay baby! Darin got home at 2:30pm. I was dead. Dalton had a friend over to play. Travis, I couldn't tell him not to come because both boys were so looking forward to it. I just asked them to stay outside.

Once Darin got home he took them swimming until Travis's Mom came to get him.I was too sick to take any pictures.

So in a nutshell that's it. I am heading back to the couch. As you can see not much is getting done on my to do list!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Keauden's 1st birthday cakes!!

Keauden is Tracy's grandson, Doug's great grandson. My neighbour.

He was one on the 31st of May but they had his party this weekend so everyone could come. And of course they had me make his cakes.

For those of you who don't know, these are the backyardigans. He is very fond of them I guess. So that is what Grammy had me put on his cake.

This was his cake to eat himself. He only played and ate the icing he didn't even touch the cake or make a mess. He just wanted the sweet stuff!!

Yup still sick, managed to make the taco dip and go to the party but didn't do much else but be sick again, and freeze to death on the couch all night long.
OH it isn't fair being sick on your holidays!!

Firewood, Sand pit & Fishin'

Saturday morning, I woke up sicker than a dog. I wasn't sure what end to put in the toilet. But being a woman and all there is no time to be sick, besides who wanted to waste their holidays like that? So I showered after I finished all the nasty stuff, at 4am I might add, and then decorated Keauden's first birthday cakes for his party later in the day. I"ll post them after.
Darin had other plans for us for the day. At 6am he got up and got ready he had planned for us to go to his work and cut wood for the day. Sounds exciting I know. Not to mention the it was already 30* outside and it was 6am!! I was already sick so you can probably imagine how the rest of the day went.
So while we split and cut wood the kids played we did it until 12:00pm by then I was officially ready to puke again! It was 45* with the humidity, we were in the sun and every time I drank anything all it did was upset my stomach more! We didn't get it done but I quit, the chainsaw got to hot and the wood splitter blew a hydraulic line so I think that someone was working in my favour.
The kids and dog had a ton of fun. There was a small spring there about knee deep about five feet from us that they all played in. The kids threw rocks and the dog chased them. Then they would run and chase him too. So they were all wore out by the end of the day.
As you can see Tyson had a ton of fun. Nanny is going to have a fit over this picture. His hat and shorts are navy blue and his shirt was grey! by the end of the day all of him was black!! All the dirt was everywhere. Turns out he didn't need the sunscreen after all the dirt covered him!

This was big and little brother doing some climbing and adventuring.

This is how he got soooo dirty. He would slide down the hill to the water get wet and then climb back up it! And go again!

They had a great time and were both exhasted by the end of the day. But Dalton had one more fun thing to do while Tyson had a little nap in the shade.
Out at the pit there are several spring fed ponds. Well Ron has stocked one of them with fish. He said that with the barbs off the fish hooks they were welcome to fish as much as they wanted. Well Dalton thought that was great!

Here he is my great fisherman. Afraid of the worm, the fish and the hook but "Mom I caught one!". I am a proud sick Momma. That is as close as he would let the fish get to him! He is a funny guy that one tough as nails but a big wimp at heart!

So that was our Saturday morning. I just left out the part about Ron bringing the kids donuts and stuff. after this we went home for a swim. I tough it would make me feel better, but I'm not sure it did. In fact I think it made me feel worse. I hope I feel better later!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Playing in Doug's fountain...

This is my neighbour Doug's yard. He has a beautiful yard and lots of plants and flower beds. He spends a lot of time on it. He just put this fountain up a few weeks ago and when we were there on Friday Tyson noticed it right away.

He had great fun playing in it. Doug is always after him (he loves him so he is always laughing about it) but he is always chasing him out of his flower beds because Tyson likes to play in the dirt! I tell him, he is pulling the weeds!

Doug always says " Hard to teach the kids anything when his parents are just as bad." I laugh because we had an ongoing joke a few weeks ago about his spelling gofers and how they could leave messages on his walkway in dirt!!
The night of Tracy's party Doug was pretty intoxicated and the gofers left messages for him... any guesses who?? Regardless, Doug likes to see him there playing. "As long as he isn't hurting his plant"

That and then he has something to complain about...
" Damn neighbours".

We love you too Doug! And you'll find and enlarged picture of this on your fridge Friday morning when you get home!!

On another topic though for those who want to know. Tyson went to the ear specialist today and he highly recommended tubes in his ears. After the last 3 month infection he said there was scar tissue and that he didn't like doing it in little ones Tyson size but at this rate he might have some hearing loss if it gets bad again so he is getting them next Friday morning!
I am not looking forward to it but if it is going to help we'll go ahead because when he is sick it turns out he is really sick.