Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mr. Dirty face lost a tooth!

Well... it finally happened tooth number four. He has only complained about it since Friday. He couldn't eat anything hard from the front of his mouth. "No apples till it's out Mom" he said! He had to wash out his mouth with chocolate milk cause the blood! Funny there was none but you know mind over matter. Now I told him... All you need for Christmas is your two front teeth! Now tonight he will be looking for the tooth fairy, last tooth he forgot for almost a week about it.
So he ate a Popsicle brushed his teeth (the rest or em) and away he went to catch the bus. Present in tow for the bus driver. The Christmas concert was at school last night so his teacher got her coupons for Timmie's yesterday. Dalton said she had a Christmas list. I'm not sure if it was just hers or hers for us to purchase for her. Either way Dalton wanted to get something on it and apparently they were!
Anyway, off to town gotta get Rosie's presents and then I'm done...done...done!

1 comment:

  1. Makes me think of "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth"! Too cute. I see you are local to me from your comment on my blog. Yup been to both of those store and nada. But I am hopeful for the new year. Plus I am going hom for New Year's so I might stand a better chance. I just prefer to buy locally owned these days. Thanks for stopping by my blog, feel free to come on back any time!
