Saturday, January 9, 2010

Life Changes

Isn't it funny when we find it easy to make poor choices but when it comes time to "change" the way we think all of the sudden you hear people say how hard it is?? It is hard, hard because we have to rethink the way we have made bad choices that got us here to begin with.

My husband's Dr. visit wasn't as easy as mine. He was told if he doesn't get it together that he will soon have to start taking insulin. That is not what he wants and he is trying to make the change. It is harder for him because he loves all the things he cannot have. That and they are tainted with sugar. He has to make choices now based on circumstance not choice.

I have no doubt he will. He loves his kids too much not to . But I have told him for many years that the stuff he puts in his mouth will kill him. he hates the Dr. But now they are soon to be best friends. His blood sugar was 22. Normal is around 7. He has to get it together. This is the worst he has felt since I have known him. We go to the dietitian next week. I am looking forward to it for our entire family. I think it's about time we all get it together as a family instead of individually.

On another note. I have managed to keep myself together. My Grandma is very ill and has been in the hospital for a week or so. I know that she is 84 and that he time is nearing an end. I was there to visit her this summer in Manitoba and I notice hos her body is failing her. I love her dearly and dread......"the call". I know she is ready. She told me. I know that it is what she wants. She told me. I just hate being here instead of there. It makes it hard. It is in the back of my head all day long eating at me.

But I have managed to keep it together. Eating has been good and exercise is coming along. I hope this week we'll see a change in the scale again. I have changed my weigh in day to Wednesday as a suggestion from the doctor. Mondays were hard because of changing eating patterns to to shifts. So he suggested doing it on a day that my patterns are always the same. So Wednesdays seem to be a regular eating day always and give me a day between my midnights and evenings to get me back on track!

I hope you are all having a great weekend!! I think Tyson and I are going to go tobogganing!
Have a good day!


  1. Hi Diana! It's been a long time my friend! It seems that the Martin's family is still anything but dull. Kuddos for thinking about your health. More than ever now it's on my mind. But mostly because I have been very ill this year. Diagnosed with cancer makes you think about the way you live your life for sure.I wish I had been more proactive a long time ago! Stick with it and you will do well! As for the blood sugar being at 20, yikes! That's scary...

    Take good care, it's nice to be back at your blog!

  2. Hi Diana. Well your husband certainly has the motivation to change now. 22 is very high. No one finds change easy but at least he has your help and support in doing this.

    I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother.

    Thinking of you,
    Bearfriend xx
