Sunday, August 5, 2007


Since my last post things have changed a bit. The next few things I will write about have no pictures.My computer crashed and I lost everything on it!! and I mean everything! I said a few choice words at the time, mostly because of my photos but I' so over it now. But if you read this blog, I have lost all my email addresses so please send me a quick note with your address. Mrs. Vos especially!! Thanks in advance!

August 1st I took Dalton to Canada's Wonderland. Just him and I. Tyson went to Nanny & Poppa's and Daddy was working. Just a special day for the big boy! And we had a great day! A great day! We played in the water park, and rode the rides from 10am until 10pm. we had funnel cake following that and we came home. Dalton insists that he was awake for the dive home, but he didn't even make it to the 401.
We arrived home all safe and sound about 1:30am and climbed into bed. The next day we spent at the trailer getting Tyson. Visiting with Aunt Bev. Swimming and having some lunch! We were too tired to do much else!

August 4Th, we went to the sand castle competition at Coborg beach. Now I swiped some pictures off my face book page to post here. Thanks goodness I can recoup some of them!
A bunch of us went. Ethel, Ann Marie and her kids and husband, me and my kids, and Angie , she brought another friends kids with her that she was caring for for the day as they were at a wedding. We had a great day. It was nice. The weather was warm, the water was cool. Perfect. Food and friends. Dalton loved the sand castles. Here are a few.

This one was my favorite. It was a "fluffy guy" and a skinny mini girl with the perfect body out on the beach sunning. it was great!
Summer holidays are going great so far hope it continues!!

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