Wednesday, August 1, 2007

See if you have been tagged...

Jolene set out a challenge to those of us who read her blog. So I am doing just that. Since she started it, I started with her. I made her this extra special tattoo because I know how much she loves them! So here's a special one just for you Jolene, enjoy. lol. - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
The next is for a friend of a friend that I browse thru her blog. Kerri. I gave her a coffee cup because she is trying to give up her coffee. I sort of envy her, but when you work midnights sometimes coffee is your only saviour! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
Ethel. Oh you gotta love Ethel she is from Newfoundland and a true newfie she is. I love her though. She is my best friend and has been since the day I met her. If we didn't come from different mother's you would swear we are sisters when we carry on!
I gave you a sign Ethel because you know how you are with directions! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Coleen. I gave you a moving truck. Either for you last move out to the west or for your move back. When you come back I hope that we can meet. I look forward to seeing that new baby next summer when you bring it home! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

My friend Leslie. Our sons were in the same kindergarten class jk & sk. They are the best of friends. Keaton and Chloe are the most beautiful kids and have the gorgeous eyes of their parents. I gave Les a name tag because she works for Autumn leaves and two peas and is always going to special scrap booking conventions. She is very talented.
I also found her from the day I met her to be a very caring, inviting and lovable parson. Any one's life she touches is better because of it. - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
Last but not least Angie. I tagged Angie because she is a funny girl. A friend and companion for life. She can make your day with her antics. I work with her. I gave her soup because she makes it her personal challenge never to buy groceries now that she is single. She does us favours with watching our kids etc and we feed her. You never hear any of us complain. That's Angie about what we are making! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

So that's it. I guess I need to start trying to read more blogs but I just find a couple and get stuck on checing out your lives since they are usually more exciting than mine. Someday I am going to shock you!

1 comment:

  1.'re cracking me up with that tattoo! LOL!
    I'll pass on meeting King. That dog scared the crud out of me. He never let me in the cabin unless my grandparents walked me in. It would be fun to meet you though. :o)
