Monday, January 15, 2007

Let it snow...Let it snow...Let it snow...

Well today it did. Dalton was so happy that his bus was cancelled. We can see the school from our house, but he must ride the bus because we have no sidewalks in the village where I live. that and the school requires that kids below grade 6 be bused to school. I have no problem with it. We have the greatest bus driver ever. Dalton really likes Ada and she says that he is always the happy unpredictable one. He always makes her laugh. Even though it is a 2 minute bus ride.

He could have went to school but I figured that if I didn't go to work he shouldn't have to go to school. Only fair. So we went outside and played for a bit today. Good fresh air gets rid of all the germs. Tyson wasn't sure of what to think of the snow so it was a new experience. He liked being pulled on the baby sleigh. not so sure about the big toboggan though. Darin got out the 4 wheeler later in the afternoon and pulled the boys around for a bit. Not Tyson he was sleeping. Dalton and his friend Austin. Darin goes slow but when he turns around corners they slide and they think that is pretty cool.

Once we get more snow Darin will built Dalton a big hill out back on the mud pile (lol still have my sense of humour). That is what Dalton can't wait for and get out his GT Racer.

1 comment:

  1. Such great pictures! We're going to have to take a long drive up to the mountains so our boys can play in the snow.
