Wednesday, November 11, 2009

another nice day....

I did it I made it for a walk like I said I was. I walked for 40 minutes at a healthy pace. We only have sidewalks so far down our streets so I walked to the end and back. It's about 2.5kms. Far enough for my first day. It was nice not too hat and just enough vitamin D to make me feel good.

I was tired I have to admit or I would have went farther. I worked 4 midnights and it makes me so tired with not enough sleep. I don't care how much energy people think that they can get from being healthy but you know midnights can kill you no matter how healthy you are.

Last night I had a prepackaged Salmon steak. Let me tell you at 700 calories per portion it isn't very healthy. Companies sure know how to wreak a nice thing.

Today i did the Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred. For anyone who is trying to lose weight or exercise. It will kill you!! Holy Hannah. I was stiff when I was done and it was only a 20 minute work out. Ugg I am out of shape. I can't walk today my little man is home it's not his school day.

I hope everyone takes a few minutes today to remember all the brave soldiers that have and are fighting to keep our country as well as others safe. I appreciate all you have done, are and will do to keep me and my family in a safe, free and war free place. You are a special breed of people that I admire and remember.

Well I need to get a few things done before I head out to work. So have a great day and remember to take a few minutes to.......

Remember the soldiers that have given their lives so your families can be safe....

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