Tuesday, November 17, 2009

ENCOURAGING>>>>> You bet!!

Over the past few weeks since I started my healthy lifestyle, I have never once looked back at what I could be eating. I make meals that my family will eat. This does not include veggies. Darin and both boys hate them. If I can manage to hide them somehow then they get eaten but otherwise forget it. So I make one meal and just tweak mine a bit or totally eat different. It becomes a difficult road and I continue to try to add veggies to their life but it doesn't seem to happen very quick.
I find I have to plan ahead. Make sure that I know what I have planned to eat for the day so I can keep a balance. Know my ranges and stay within them. Weigh, measure and count everything. Seems tedious right now but once I know what, how much and what it looks like then I can learn to moderate.
Today I came home from work to find the most inspirational message from a friend. She reads this blog and didn't know what I had been up to. Till today. She told me what a great job I was doing and offered to join me walking. That is what I need to stay focused. I cried.big baby I know. But those words that Steph wrote just hit me right there. I know I am doing the right thing no matter how I got here, I know where I am headed. And that is healthy.
The impact of others sometimes has more of an effect that we'd like. I'm glad that Steph took the time to encourage me. It meant alot. She knows how hard it is she's been there done that.
The weight doesn't seem like much but I can feel it in my clothes, the dryer didn't shrink them this time!! lol I can see that one of my chins looks smaller. LOl. Little things like that.

I did get a few minutes of exercise in today. Not as many as I'd like it is hard when I work 1-9pm to get things into my day that I would like. And Ty is home tomorrow so I'll try but it isn't always easy.

So thanks again Steph. I appreciate it more than you know.


  1. Hi Diana. You're so right - we all need people cheering us on. And even better when someone offers to exercise with you!

    It's tough that your family are so resistant. But over time, if you keep plugging away at it, it's likely they will become more open to healthy eating.

    Your weight loss to date is brilliant - real consistency. So it's no wonder you are feeling the benefits already.

    And I'm proud to be your first follower!

    Best wishes,
    Bearfriend xx

  2. I have been reading your story. I am glad your following along. I am thrilled that even through your stress you found your way back on track!! Way to go!
